Thing two

21 2 7

(I still don't know what to call these chapters tbh...)

Letter to my Crush

Dear Crush.

This should be easier that it is. You're my best friend. Heck, you're the only person I like talking to! But talking about this is hard. I've liked you for three years. You know. I've already told you. I've already confessed. You already know. And I know it shouldn't bother me this much- honestly I was prepared for rejection- but you don't like me. I understand.

I might never get to see you again.
Because I moved
You stayed.
We still text, and follow each other on social media- and from what my mom says, that should be enough for me.

I mean,
We're still in contact.

But I miss the feeling of our shoulders brushing
I miss that stupid staring game we play in class
I miss holding the door open for you and you refusing to pass because a girl's holding it.
I miss eating lunch with you.
I miss throwing paper balls at you when you aren't looking.
I miss seeing you.
I miss you.
I miss listening to your laugh, or your voice
God. I miss you.

Your absence physically hurts me.

The knowledge that In this day and age when we're never face to face again, and only have our devices- we're bound to one day lose our connection - our friendship.

Tell me. When you return to class on Monday, will you notice my absence?

When you go to lunch will you notice an empty seat?

Will you look around the room for my eyes out of habit?

Will you tell a dirty joke and notice the absence of my laughter?

Will you walk into the art room and remember when we played a version of spin the bottle with a coconut?

Or that because it faced you, you had to kiss it?... after me?

Will you miss our moments?

Will you miss me?

Will you... notice?

I will.

Please try to keep what we have. I will. I'll try as hard as I can, and if I fail I will cry.
Lord know's I have already.

I just hope we keep our friendship if nothing else, because you're too valuable to lose.


Mostly my rambling on my horrible love lifeWhere stories live. Discover now