Death skit/scene/whatever

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Hey, so this is just a little scene I wrote off to the side. If I ever find a way to put it in my work I probably will, just because something about this piece makes me really proud and happy- (even though it's about death, but I promise I'm not morbid, okay? I just like how I wrote it.)- but yeah! Thanks for reading, lemme know what you think about it! TheAwkwardAuthor

          As I a child I always wondered about death. Was it as calm as in the books and movies? Was it painful or terrifying? Was it full of questions and meaningless answers? Could it be the beginning of something new, or the end of everything? Was there really a white light, or could there be darkness? What did one see, feel, or think during the experience. Is the experience different if you go to heaven or hell? Is the world we believe we stand on even exist, or could we all be dying right now and not know it? Are there people who come to great you, or a voice, or could there just be silence? Would you have a sense of time during it, or would it be like a flash before the rest of eternity?

       I feel the tears of my sister wetting my t-shirt, and slowly wonder, "Will this be the day I have my answers?" I'm so tired... I wish I could dry her tears but... I don't think I could move with all this pressure around me. It almost feels as if I were under water. Sinking. But there's no fear. Just pressure, and a sense of calm to the world. My sister's sobs sound so far away and I wonder if I said the right things before, or done the right acts. If there is a God, have made him proud? Or am I a disappointment to him like I was to my birth father? Should I have told her I loved her more? What will my mother say when she hears of this? Will I know what she'll say? Will I be able to survive this?

            If this is the end, I suppose I have my answers. When you die, you question a lot. You wonder about people and the past and their future, and you wonder what yours holds. There's color- although your eyes feel closed. So much color. Some of which you wouldn't recognize. You feel a weight, but not crushing, more like there's a slow force, pulling you downwards into the earth's core, and everything moves slowly. Air feels soft, and your body begins to feel colder. In my case there's just enough air left for me to breath out a word or two before my leave. But which ones, the decision feels impossible. 'She may not hear it' My mind whispers, 'But then again, she might.'

Your own voice. It's like a fast forward button on everything, and suddenly you hear nothing else.

                                                                              "Live for me."

And the colors become lighter and lighter until you're in a pool of white, feeling weightless and free before meeting the King. 

Mostly my rambling on my horrible love lifeWhere stories live. Discover now