To the girl who stole my lover

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I see you're with him
I'm happy for you
I'm happy for him
He deserves the best
And you seem to be the best for him

So stay with him
Tell him you love him
Tell him he's your world
Take photos with him
Have anniversary's with him
Post love quotes online to him
Send him love letters
Text him every day
Tell everyone what he is to you
And love him with all you are

Give him what he deserves
Give him the love I couldn't
Give him the time I shouldn't
Give him the kiss I didn't
Give him all the castles and all the mansions and all the skyscrapers made of your love
And don't let them falter

What I wouldn't do to be in your shoes
To own his heart as you do
To be there with him as you
To be on his mind
Today, tomorrow, yesterday
What I wouldn't give to hold his hand as you do
To fell understood as you do
To look him in the eyes and say I love him like you do

But I'm not you
And he's not here
And I'm not there and I won't ever be because I'm bare
I don't have your flawless smile,
Or your eyes that sparkle,
I don't have your lips that make him melt
Nor do I feel what you have felt

So let me live through your eyes
Post photos, post goodbyes
Post love quotes and love letters
I'm too far to watch them right then so lend me your camera lens
Post pictures of kisses and hugs and hand holding
Post your love story, how you first met
Post me your eyes
So I may drift off and pretend

It hurts
Knowing I left because I didn't deserve to be there
Knowing you came right after as my replacement
Knowing how the stars aligned to make you two happy
And that's something I won't ever truly have

His love

His smile

He's forgotten about me and you're all that's on his mind

So to the girl who stole my lover
Be with him
Be happy
Be kind
Make him happy
But if you have any mercy, post your love story.
Post your pictures
Post your stories, your poems, your times of love and times before, give me a day dream
Even if it hurts.
And know
He's forgotten me
You're his new number one
But if you ever break his heart
You will know true pain
For you will feel it from two hearts.

Mostly my rambling on my horrible love lifeWhere stories live. Discover now