Thing three

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Dear Authors,

Thank you
For letting us live in your world
For letting us go on adventures with your characters
For taking us places we never thought possible.

Thank you
For showing us life doesn't always make sense,
But in the end we'll always get through it

We fall in love with these people, who have never existed- it's torture and a blessing.

You give us worlds to live in when ours seem too full-
Thank you.

You show us how to love, how to live, how to feel- you show us the beauty in what is real.

Thank you dear authors, for all your advice, you get us through times, we beg to be over-

And in silent we read, a million voices, forgetting about all our problems for a moment.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Sincerely, Your readers.

Mostly my rambling on my horrible love lifeWhere stories live. Discover now