Chapter 4

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We were at Fergal's parents house so that they could see Irelynn for Christmas. "She loves all the toys you guys got her." I told his mom. She smiles as she watched Irelynn play on the floor with Fergal. "I'm so happy for you two. She's so beautiful." She said. I nod and smile. "I just wish we didn't have to leave today on Christmas Eve to go to Chicago." Fergal said. "I know, but Ashton has all the presents from our house in Chicago at his house." I said. "At least she'll have Christmas with both of you." His mother said. "Let's me take a picture of you two." I said taking Fergal's phone. He and his mother stood in front of the tree. I snapped this picture

I smiled and then Irelynn looks up at me and babbles

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I smiled and then Irelynn looks up at me and babbles. I smile and pick her up. Fergal snaps this picture

"Shall we get you three to the airport now?" His dad asks

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"Shall we get you three to the airport now?" His dad asks. Irelynn shakes her head no. "Even she doesn't want to go. You and daddy are so alike." I told her. She smiles and reaches out to Fergal. He takes her and I put Irelynn's toys in my suitcase and we head to the airport. After the plane ride, Ashton, Haley, Phil, and April were waiting for us. "Mia!" April squeals. I smile and hand Irelynn to Fergal and hug April. "She's so beautiful, Mia." April said. "She looks like her father." "She does." Fergal was talking to Phil and Ashton. "It seems so unfair that they have to wrestle tomorrow night." April said. "I know, but you can't help where the days fall." I said. We climbed into the car and drove to Ashton's house. We took our things inside and Irelynn started getting fussy. "Someone's hungry momma." Ashton said. I smile and take Irelynn into the bedroom to breastfeed her. Fergal comes in with our stuff. "Hailey is so excited we're here for Christmas." He said. "I know. She wants to sleep with us, but she has to sleep with her dad." I told him. He chuckles and sits beside me. "Merry Christmas, love." He said, kissing my cheek. "Merry Christmas, Fergal." I said. After I had burped Irelynn, Fergal handed me a wrapped present from his suitcase. "What's this?" I asked. "Our Christmas Eve present." He said. I open it to find matching Christmas pajamas.

I chuckle and we change and head out to the living room

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I chuckle and we change and head out to the living room. Ashton and Hailey were dressed in their matching Christmas pajamas. "Look what Gregory and Violet sent me." Ashton said. I chuckle at the picture

 I chuckle at the picture

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"One of them is wrong." Ashton said. "She is." I said. Irelynn was babbling at Ashton in Fergal's arms. "I see someone is much better and looks comfy in her jammies." Ashton said. Irelynn giggles and Ashton smiles. We sit down and eat soup that Ashton's neighbor made for us and watched a Christmas movie. Then I helped Hailey make cookies and we left them out for Santa. I tucked her in and closed the door. Irelynn and Fergal were laying on the couch.

 Irelynn and Fergal were laying on the couch

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"Is she asleep?" Ashton asked. I nod and he grabs the presents out of the spare room. We all share the cookies we left for Santa and Ashton drinks three quarters of the milk. "Bedtime." I said after we put the presents under the tree. Fergal scooped up a sleeping Irelynn and we headed into the bedroom. Fergal put her in her car seat and covered her up and then he climbed into the bed next to me. "This isn't exactly how I pictured her first Christmas, but we'll make due." He said. "With a daddy like you, she won't care." I told him.

The next morning after opening presents, I dressed Irelynn and Hailey in their Christmas outfits.

The next morning after opening presents, I dressed Irelynn and Hailey in their Christmas outfits

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Irelynn was in love with the stuffed bear my brother got her. I was face timing with him while she played with it. "I can't believe it's the only thing she's playing with." Shannon said. "I know. She usually wants to play with everything." I told him. After awhile we headed to the arena. I spotted Nia and she waved. "Merry Christmas, sweet baby." She told Irelynn. Irelynn cooed and waved. "How are you holding up? Last Christmas you were pregnant with her." Now asked. I chuckle and sigh. "He wanted to be with his parents and so did I, but Christmas Day fell on a Monday." I said. Matt walked by and Irelynn giggles. "Uncle Matt, someone spotted you." I told him. "My Irelynn!" He said. "Did she like the gifts we all sent her?" Matt asked. I nod. "She especially loves the bear Shannon gave her. Those outfits Reby and Beth got her are so adorable." I said. Raw passed by in a blur and we headed back to Ashton's house and went to sleep.



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