Chapter 9: Survivor Series

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Fergal and I were in our Team Raw shirts, waiting for the paper view to start. "Nervous?" He asked. "I'm facing Charlotte. Do you think I'm nervous?" I asked him. He laughs and kisses me. "Nah. You could defeat her with your eyes closed." He said. "I feel the love." Charlotte said. I chuckled and hugged her. "I hate this paper view. Team Blue vs Team Red. It's stupid." I said. Fergal wrapped his arms around me. "It's fine, grá." He said. "I know, but I hate it." I said. As the paper view started, I watched Gregory and Violet. Ruby kept poking at Violet. "Leave her alone, Ruby." I said. The Riott Squad looked at me. "Oh look. The Calvary is here." Ruby said. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "At least I don't have to try and take a man. The men come to me." I shot back. All three of their jaws hit the floor. "Woah." Gregory said before he and Violet started laughing. "That's not even remotely funny." Ruby said before storming off. Sara and Liv followed after her. "I think I hurt her feelings." I said. Gregory kissed my cheek. "Thank you. Seriously though, take a hint." Gregory said. I nod. Smackdown won the kickoff tag team Survivor Series Tag Team match. I kept close to Fergal. Then it was the Women's Elimination Tag Team Match. Raw won thanks to Nia. Seth defeated Shinsuke, earning another win for Raw. Raw won again by AOP defeating The Bar. Buddy Murphy defeated Mustafa Ali. Then Raw won again by Braun, Drew, and Bobby beating Shane. Then it was mine and Charlotte's turn. I jumped up and down, shaking the nerves away. Charlotte headed to the ring first. I gave Fergal a kiss and headed to the ring. As the match progressed, Charlotte snapped. She attacked me with a kendo stick. And then tried to crush my chest with a chair.

After the referees and the agents pulled her away from me, Fergal ran out

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After the referees and the agents pulled her away from me, Fergal ran out.

"Look! It's Finn Bálor coming to check on his wife." I couldn't really breathe. Finn was trying to get me to sit up, but I couldn't. "Come on, grá. Sit up for me." He said. I was coughing and choking. They finally got me backstage and to the trainor. Doc checked me over and said it might be a bruised chest. "Keep an eye on her. If she has trouble breathing, get to the hospital." Doc told Fergal. He nodded and hugged me. "I've never been more scared in my life." He told me. I nod against his chest and he pulls my chin up. "Don't scare me like that." He said. "I'll try not to." I croaked. He laughs and Ashford comes in with Irelynn. "Mama!" She cried. She had tears running down her face. I scooped her up and hugged her. "Mama's fine, baby. I'm okay." I tell her. "Mama, booboo." Irelynn said. "Mama's okay. I'm all right." I told her. She nods and hugs me tight. I smile at Fergal and we head to the locker room. I give Irelynn to Fergal and head inside. I change into

Fergal smiles when I walk out with my suitcase

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Fergal smiles when I walk out with my suitcase. "You ready?" He asks. I nod and we head to the hotel. After settling Irelynn into the stow away crib, I sit on the bed. Fergal walks over and wraps his arms around me. "Still feeling bad?" He asks. "A little. My chest hurts like a bitch." I said. "Does Ashford need to come sit with Irelynn?" He asks. "No. I'm fine. No shortness of breath, just pain." I told him. Fergal looks down at me and kisses my forehead. "Just as long as your sure." He said. I nod and change into my pajamas. We settle in and he wraps his arms around me. "Sleep." He murmured in my hair. I nod and close my eyes. His heartbeat helped me fall asleep quickly.
The next morning was a little rough. My chest felt like it was on fire and I kept coughing. "We need to go in and have you checked." Fergal told me. I nod and sit back against the headboard. I went in to the hospital. The doctor said it was just bruised and to take it easy for awhile. "I have a match tonight. Can I still wrestle?" I asked. "I advise against it, but it's just bruised. Take it easy, no weapons." He said. "I didn't know weapons were legal last night." I said. Fergal laughs and we head back to the hotel. Gregory was playing with Irelynn. "Bruised." I told him. He chuckles and lifts Irelynn up. "Rest and no fighting?" He asked. "Yes, but I can still wrestle as long as no weapons are involved." I said. We waited until it was time to go to the arena for Raw.
I had to give a promo before my match.

Baron was really missing me off, but he kept his promise and found me a challenger in Mickie James.

I won the match and marched backstage past Mia and Tamina without even a glance. I stepped through the curtain and almost collapsed in Fergal's arms. "Easy, grá. I got you." He said, gathering me in his arms. He picked me up and carried me to a production crate. "Catch your breath and drink this." He said handing me a bottle of water. I sipped the water and caught my breath. "Better?" He asked. I nod and wrap my arms around him. He returns the gesture with a kiss. "Let's get going to your parents and you can rest." Fergal said. I nod and we walk to the locker room. Violet, Alexis, and Amber help me get my things. I changed into my outfit from yesterday and head out to Fergal, who has all of his and Irelynn's things. Ashford stands there with Melanie and Irelynn. "We're all ready. Matthew invited us to come along with him. Think your Mom will mind?" He asks. "No. She'll love having you there. She invited Jeff and his family, Matt and his family, their Dad, and Matthew. More the merrier." I said. We all head out to the car and head to North Carolina.

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