Chapter 6

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Percy POV

Do you hear that? That's the sound of someone who doesn't know when to stop ringing the doorbell. You're probably thinking , But Perseus it's just a doorbell. Well, would you like hear some of my suffering. DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG. Now multiply that sound by one hundred and that is the level of annoyingness that I'm  suffering through right now. RING THAT BELL ONE MORE TIME, I DARE YOU!!! DING DONG!  Now they're adding insult to injury. I race over to the door and open it but immediately slam it closed again. What I seen will haunt me forever. It was my neighbor Mrs. McDonald. I mean seeing her is a punishment, but the worst part is that she was wearing a nightgown that was a little to short. let me explain a little more, this women is like ninety years old......NINETY!!!  I know it doesn't sound bad but picture this. A women who looks like she was in the bathtub for too long shows up at your door wearing a nightgown that goes up past here mid thighs and has the nastiest scowl ever seen on her face. That's enough to give me nightmares for months, and I survived Tartarus. Back on topic, a nightmare of a women is at the door at, wait what time is it? Never mind it doesn't matter. I opened the door and looked at Mrs. McDonald and she was glaring at me, she was probably mad that I slammed the door in her face. she opened her mouth and I tried to pay attention, "Someone was running around and slamming into the walls earlier and I came to politely tell you to KNOCK IT OFF BEFORE I CALL THE COPS"! I was going to be blunt, I repeat blunt not sarcastic I'm being dead serious, "Listen I don't know what politely means to you but in the dictionary it's antonym would be how you worded asking me to shut up. Now onto the next topic, why are you dressed like a slutty high schooler,  aren't you like ninety years old"? She just huffed angrily and walked away. I shut the door and started dancing around happy that the nightmare was finally gone. The noise she heard earlier were most likely the demigods trying to be on the down low while they snooped around my apartment, and let me tell you they were terrible. If I didn't see the things they barley moved I definitely would've known once that nightmare told me she heard noises coming from here. Now all I have to do is order that pizza and wait for those wizards as I treat the black eye I got when they slammed me into a wall.

Molly POV (This will be short. I'm mostly going to switch between Harry, Percy, maybe the Gods, Dumbledore, and whoever gets paired with Percy, but there might be the occasional difference)

That poor boy. He looked so used to being thrown against the wall. I can't believe we enjoyed his pain. He looked lonely as well, like he's been abandoned many times. Not to mention the memory that Albus showed us. His family killed his mother, step-father, and sister. I can't even comprehend that he's been in two wars. I'm not sure about the others but I believe him completely. If Albus manages to get Perseus to come back I will treat him like he is my own child. 

Harry POV

For some reason I was wondering what Perseus was doing. It was probably because I don't want him terrorizing innocent people. yeah, that's it. At the moment I'm sitting in the room I share with Ron thinking about Perseus and I don't know why. I was about to open my mouth and ask Ron if he's thinking about Perseus but Hermione burst in with Ginny. Is it just me or is Ginny looking even better then when I last seen her five minutes ago. No, bad Harry. That's Ron's baby sister. I was going to continue yelling at myself but Hermione started talking, "I've been thinking about Perseus lately and I think we misjudged him". Wow Hermione, get straight to the point why don't you. Ginny butted in before Ron or I could answer, "I agree. I mean we just hated him before we could get to know him". "Now if you would let us answer", I glared at them and they looked sheepish, "I agree, but what can we do it's not like we can just apparate to his place-" I would've continued but  I got interrupted by Fred and George apparating into the room. "If you want to-" "Talk to Perseus-" Then we can-" "Just take you there ourselves". Twins switched back and forth as they talked and it annoyed me to no end but they did have a point, yet Hermione just had to find a flaw, "You could except you've never been there before". The twins started to smirk, "You see-" "We've thought of that-" "But even though we've never been there-" "We have seen his apartment-" "Through the memory Dumbledore showed us". Ron stood up and clapped his hands, "What are we waiting for let's go and get back before Mum calls for dinner". We all grabbed either Fred or Georges arms and the feeling of being pulled apart and put back together commenced. The next thing we see is the inside of Perseus's living room but the sound must've alerted him because he shouted and came running from the kitchen swinging around a frying pan. We all moved back one step to avoid being smacked with a frying pan. When he seen us he let the frying pan drop to his side, "Oh it's just you. Have you come to give me another black eye". When he said that I noticed that one of his eyes were black, probably from when Moody slammed him against the wall. Hermione looked even more guilty when she seen the eye, "No we didn't even know you had a black eye. We came to apologize for how we acted towards you". Perseus looked a little surprised but realization came across his face, "Dumbledore told you what I told him". We all nodded and I was about to speak but someone knocked on the door. Perseus looked annoyed but went to answer the door mumbling, "That better be the pizza I ordered". We all followed him to the door only to see him slamming it shut. He seen our faces and explained, "That was my neighbor Mrs. McDonald". Hermione still looked confused as I felt, "So you slammed the door in her face". He rolled his eyes, "She's just going to complain about the noise that I AM NOT MAKING"! he raised his voice towards the end and angled his head towards the door. A muffled response of "Yes you are". came from behind the door. Perseus sighed and opened the door again. What I seen can never be unseen. This old lady that looks to be ninety years old is wearing some nightgown that is way to small. This lady shook her head, "Stop making noise I already told you this". Perseus shook his head, "Yeah except now you are being polite. The last time you came here you out right told me to shut up. Now I am done with you coming and bugging be saying I am making noise. I suggest you leave me alone old lady before I call the cops and say you are harassing me". The old women huffed angrily and stomped away. Perseus shut the door again and walked into the living room with the rest of us following. He sat down and looked at us, "So you came all the way from England just to say sorry"? When we all nodded he shook his head, "Yeah, sorry but I don't buy it. You could've written a letter. What else do you want"? I was confused because I just wanted to apologized. I heard a sigh come from Hermione and Ginny and I looked towards them. They looked guilty but Hermione spoke, "Only me and Ginny knew about this. We wanted to ask you to come back and give us another chance. Everyone is feels really guilty about what happened". He sat there for a minute in silence before speaking, "Does anyone besides Ginny and yourself know about asking me to come back"? Hermione and Ginny shook there heads. He then turned to look at Fred, George, Ron, and I, "Do you want me to come back"? We all nodded as well. Perseus clapped his hands and stood up, "Well then lets go surprise your family and friends". He grabbed his duffle bag that was next to the couch and grabbed one of the twins arms and then I felt like I was being compressed. We appeared in the hallway at Grimmauled Place. The adults came running towards the noise of apparation. I turned towards the twins, "Really? You couldn't have apparated in one of our bedrooms"? They simply shook their heads and we all turned towards the adults as they ran into the hallway with their wands pointed at us.

AND IF YOU HAVE A MINUTE WHY DON'T WE GO TALK ABOUT IT SOMEWHERE WE KNOW, THIS COULD BE THE END OF EVERYTHING SO WHY DON'T WE GO SO, THIS COULD BE THE END OF EVERYTHING SO WHY DON'T WE GO SOMEWHERE ONLY WE KNOW. sorry I'm listening to music right now and I couldn't help it. the song once again has nothing to to with the story. there it is people chapter 5. I know I'm a day late but....................................MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!! this is your gift and if you don't like it......TOO BAD! I'm not going to be one of those mean authors who say they wont continue the story unless they have a certain amount of comments but I need some votes about who I will pair with Percy. even if I don't get anymore votes I will still continue the story because I only have one vote and that's something to work with. 




Any other major female character I may of forgot-0



    /\_/\                                                                                                                                                                                              ( *.*  )                                                                                                                                                                                            (____)___                                                                                                                                                                                    ITS A KITTY CAT!!


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