Christmas at dad's

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Christmas at dads 
Well, it's no walk in the park
It'd rather depressing actually
I get tons of really cool things 
And it's super nice 
But I also get bad news 
Or I feel so left out 
Or I feel really lonely 
My friends have their family to attend to 
As should I but they're busy or boring 
My dad has three new sisters 
Who have kids 
People I'm expected to just accept 
As family
As for the bad news 
It's no news that my parents hate each other 
But I wanted only one graduation party 
My parents in the same place 
But they can't handle that 
So I guess I'm having two 
Not that it's horrible 
I get tons of money I suppose 
I just thought my graduation 
Might change things just a little 
My parents are as stubborn as always 
What a merry Christmas 
But hey 
That's Christmas at my dads. 

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