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"Why doesn't your tv have any news channels?" Klaus asks, surfing the channels, brows furrowed. Dean stops what he's doing, turns around and faces Klaus with an alarmed expression.

"Oh boy, you did not just go there," my best friend says. Klaus looks at him as if he's lost his mind and turns to me questioningly.

"What Dean means to say is, news means Harry and Harry means depression. That's why we don't have any news channels," I explain, smiling. "Also, I'm fine not knowing about all the wrong that goes on in this world." Klaus nods, giving me a thumbs up. "So I guess we're watching Disney Channel!" I laugh at his enthusiasm, unwrapping my baby's new cot.

"Klaus, would you mind getting off your ass and helping me build this confusing contraption?" I ask, holding up a bag of screws.

"Of course." My friend leaps off the couch and comes over to me, seating himself on the floor beside me. "I'm pretty good at these things."

"Prove it and build this," I hand him the bag of screws and lean back on my arms.

"And the Siren claims another victim." Klaus teases me, grinning. "Go and kick back on the couch, and I'll have this ready in no time."

"Thanks," I stand up and dust off my jeans. "The princess is sleeping, and if I nod off too, please wake me up when she cries, and not try to handle the situation on your own like last time." Klaus and Dean share an understanding look and nod their heads in unison.

These moments of peace and rest are a rarity that I treasure. Ever since my babe's come into this world I've barely been able to catch a wink of sleep, and here I thought labor was the toughest part of it all. However, I am immensely grateful for the help of my two best friends. Without them I wouldn't have been able to get by for even a week.

Harry isn't around anymore. A day after our breakup he went back home, and resumed his responsibilities as a monarch. I just feel bad for our babe because she didn't get to enjoy more moments with her dad. I also feel bad for Harry because he isn't around to experience these early moments with her. However, I did give him the option of staying and enjoying some time with his daughter. Alas, the offer was politely declined. He's been gone two weeks and I'm unsure whether I miss him, or feel relieved with the space I've gotten.

Sure, I don't have to argue 24/7 nowadays, but there is a void that doesn't seem to want to be filled up anytime soon. Klaus says that I feel this way because Harry is a habit and old habits take a while to get out of. Can't say I don't agree with him. Klaus has been such a great help through these two weeks. He even refuses to take back the money for the hospital bill, and he's bought my princess so many items, like the cot that he's assembling. I truly couldn't ask for better friends.

"Mus?" Klaus calls out. "You asleep?"

"Even if I was, now I'm up." I say, sitting up and looking at them over the back of the couch. A perfectly assembled cot lies in front of Klaus, a screwdriver in his hand.

"I must say I'm impressed, Klaus." I get up and head towards the kitchen, where a pack of Corona awaits me.

"Get me one too!" Klaus calls out from behind me. "Please, thank you!"

"How do you know what I'm going to get?" I ask, smiling in amazement. Klaus gives me a coy smile and a wink. God, this guy gets me.

"Your father says he misses you," I tell my princess. "But unfortunately he isn't around to spend time with you at the moment. No worries though, I'm here." I bend down and give my baby a kiss on the forehead. "And as long as we have each other who needs father's, am I right or am I right?"

There's a knock at the door, breaking our little moment.

"Come in!" I call out, the door opening to reveal Klaus. He steps in with two beers in his right hand.

"I've come bearing gifts," he says, smiling. I lift Princess up and carry her to the new cot, laying her into it gently.

"Now mama bear is having a beer, which luckily you can't, so sleep tight in here." I tell my baby, as I ensure that her blankets are tightly tucked around her. Klaus is seated on my bed, his legs crossed at the ankles. He hands me my bottle and takes a swig from his.

"It's been something, huh? This pregnancy, the ups and're real strong," Klaus says.

"Yeah," I shrug my shoulders. "But it'll all work out for the best I'm sure." I nod towards Princess. "After all, I have God's little blessing with me."

"Mus, would it be too soon if I try to flirt with you?" Klaus asks, grinning at me mischievously. I narrow my eyes, staring at the dark tv screen, thinking it through.

"No," the word is out before I can stop myself. Klaus makes me feel safe, and he's someone who I can see myself with. A man who is considerate and puts my needs along with his. "I think you might just be a bit too late." Klaus throws his head back dramatically, tsking.

"Aw man, am I too late for the train?" Klaus asks. "What I mean to say is, is it still at the station or has it completely left?"

"'s there, but almost gone." I tease, taking a long swig of my beer. Klaus leans towards me, his lips moving towards my lips.

"Then I think I'll step on to it," he whispers. "And I'm sure the ride will be worth it." I let out a bark of laughter.

"Klaus, I'm sorry to say this, but you suck at flirting." He mocks a shocked expression, his jaw unhinging.

"You don't say!" Klaus nods his head against mine, the contact sending a pang of disappointment through my body for some reason. Why, though? Realization dawns on me, the thought making me wince internally. It's because I want this contact to be with Harry. I wish for him to be sitting next to me and touching me instead of Klaus.

Old habits, old habits. They'll be gone soon.

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