Chapter - 11

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A/N - Sorry for the late update. This is long chapter so it took a long time to be ready. Hope you understand. Go on. Give it a read. It is not edited as usual. I am too lazy to go through it over and over again. I will edit the chapters after some time. I hope.


"We need to sign up a celebrity to present the car next month. Call the management of that bimbo..." Louis slammed the door of his room when he walked in. The new production of their company was ready to launch. They just needed a popular face to present it next week on X-factor UK as a winning prize.

Louis unfastened his tie and tossed it on the bed, "call Mr. Malik or Payne. They know the list I prepared. Ask them to give it to you. Contact any one of them. I will confirm the deal with their management. Just let me know." Louis sat down on the bed. He cut the call and placed the mobile on the bedside table. When he looked around his room, it was clean. No trace of last night. Louis placed his palm on the bed sheet, it was smooth and the room was shining. No trace of Harry. Louis lay down on the bed. His eyes were locked on the white ceiling as he tried to even out his breathing. Seven days. Seven days of close proximity to Harry. The groan came unsurprisingly.

"Sir?" a feminine voice perked Louis' attention and he raised his head to see Kendall standing in the doorway with a timid expression. "Yes, Kendall?" Louis asked.

"Sir, do you want to eat dinner before you leave?"

Louis gave her a sharp nod, "that would be lovely, Kendall. Set the table and give me a call."

Kendall turned to leave but Louis stopped her, "err... Kendall?" She turned with her hands clasped in front of her dutifully, "yes, sir?"

"Where is Harry?" Louis asked, looking anywhere but at Kendall.

"He is sleeping, sir. Told me that he hated flights and take offs so he would be awake for the whole journey so he is taking a nap now. Niall sir packed their bags and now taking a shower, I guess."

Louis nodded, "he ate?" Louis did not know why he cared. He did. So...

"Yes, sir. Harry is in a good mood today. Since morning. He came to us and almost begged us to let him cook. He made lunch for all of us and I must say, sir, it was so tasty that we ate much more than we normally would. He talked with the guards around the mansion and played FIFA with Niall sir in your game room. I am sorry, I thought about asking for your permission before letting them into your game room but Zayn sir called that time to inform about the trip. He told me to let them in."

Louis stared at Kendall with his brows raised almost comically. Harry was happy, since morning? What? What was Kendall talking about? Was not he crying before Louis left? Lunch? Cooking? Could Harry cook? What did he make?

"What did he make for lunch?" Louis face-palmed himself when he voiced that thought aloud. Kendall perked up with interest, a glint of happiness crossing her face, "chicken curry and mixed fried rice, sir. We still have some left over. Do you want it? I can heat it up for you if you want?"

Louis shook his head with pursed lips, "no, thanks. I don't think it is good to eat something that greasy." Really? You live on takeouts! His mind chided him but he did not want to show interest in Harry's cooked meal. Just insist once more. I will say yes. He thought, looking at Kendall.

To his massive disappointment, Kendall nodded, "oh! Okay then, sir. I will leave some sandwiches on the dining table. Sir, all the kitchen stuff are going for a movie night. Do you need something? May we go? If you need us here, I will stay of course." She hurried to say.

His Desired Slave - A Larry Stylinson AUWhere stories live. Discover now