The Great Escape

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Hope made her way through the tunnels trying to figure out where Alex was located. She looked up and saw a door. Taking a chance she knocked on it. Nothing. She knocked again. Nothing. She knocked again and then felt movement.

The door opened up to Alex looking at her confused.


"Come on Alex," she said. Alex climbed down until she stopped, reached up and pulled a rung over the door and shut it.

Now the tricky part was finding a way out in the dark. Alex grabbed Hope's hand and led her, feeling around.

As they made their way, something ran over Alex's foot and she almost screamed causing Hope to place her hand over her mouth.

"Don't scream or they will hear us. It's just a rat," Hope said to her.

Alex whined into her hand but nodded. Hope let go and they continued on. They made their way until they felt a wall and then a door.

Alex felt around until she found a handle. Turning it, she was surprised it opened. She opened it and a breeze hit them gently.

She looked at Hope, "we need to run and then find a way to contact the guys."

Hope nodded.

They slowly and quietly opened the door. There stood a couple of men, pacing back and forth. Hope placed her fingers to her lips to signal for them to be quiet and Alex nodded.

They leaned against the wall, creeping up the steps, then stuck their heads up and looked around. When they saw someone walk their way, they ducked down. They waited until the man walked away, then peeked up.

Alex mouthed, "now."

They quickly made their way up and quickly out of sight from the two men. If it was anything they learned from the guys in their lives was to make a quick exit and fight.

Once they made it into the woods they ran. They ran as fast as the could and as long as they could. Once they were a safe distance away they stop to catch their breath.

"Where are we," Hope asked in between breaths.

"I'm not sure. But we are definitely not home."

Then they heard sirens and shouting.

They looked at each other and started running. Then Alex got an idea once they came to a clearing. They saw shops and they ducked into a clothing store. She remembered what Elizabeth and Drew did on spring break. They grabbed some items and clothes then ducked into a changing room.

They quickly changed and left the changing room. As the men looked around, they casually strolled out of the store dressed as men.

Once they got outside they quickly walked down the street and away from the store.

Coming to an alley way they ducked into it before men came running past. They saw a fire escape and climbed up. Once they found an open window, they climbed inside to hear a woman scream.

"Oh no no no! We're women!" Alex yelled removing the hat and mustaches.

The woman looked at them wide eyed.

"We need a phone. Please."

She pointed at a phone.

"Thank you." She walked over and dialed a number.

Whose dis?

"Frazier it's me."

How do I know it's really you?

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