Part two of Stellett angst I guess???????????

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A/N: My daughters need some closure, okay? This will be... slightly sad? I don't know, this'll just be a ramble which is terrible. SCARLETT AND STELLA SHOULD BE TOGETHER FOREVER OKAY I LOVE THEM -E

Scarlett sat on an uncomfortabe chair, waiting for a family member of Stella finish talking about things Stella definitely didn't do. Stella's funeral was painfully empty. The only people there were Scarlett, Lorenzo, Chip, and some lost family members who decided to show up, for some reason. Stella's aunt finally finished rambling about animals, and how much Stella loved them (because she went to the zoo that one time), and Lorenzo got up and started talking.

"Hello everyone. I just want to say, I'm terribly sorry for everyone's loss, including my own, of course. Stella was an... interesting woman. She was a... friend, and a wife. She was, naturally, very good in bed." Everyone laughed, but Scarlett. "Stella was asexual," she thought. "As much as we all miss her, it does feel good to have her off my hands." Everyone laughed again, but this time Chip and Scarlett were both silent. "She was very dramatic, and, you know, it was hard to deal with sometimes. Luckily, she could lose her energy in her favorite sport, screaming at me."

Scarlett lost it, and stormed to the front. "Lorenzo, shut the fuck up for once in your pathetic life," Scarlett snarled while pushing Lorenzo aside. "You don't know anything about this woman, but I do. And I'm going to educate all of you on this life that was tragically lost. Stella Sallow was a beautiful woman. She loved stories, loved reading them and telling them. She was incredibly unhappy in the circus, and she only wished to go back home. She was obsessed with space, and we always looked at the stars together. She gave me the best time of my life, and I miss her so much."

Scarlett's tone became warmer when she spoke about the woman she loved, and she started crying. She realized what these people had done to Stella, and she became angry again. "You know nothing. For example, did you know that she was asexual? Yeah, didn't think so. She didn't love you, Lorenzo. You don't love her either. And no one here wants to be here to mourn this wonderful woman, except me, and maybe Chip. None of you deserve to be here, either. Stella deserved all of the love you could have given her, Lorenzo, and what did you give her? Three knives that killed her!"

Scarlett broke down, and Chip hurried over to comfort her. "Come on, Scarlett, do you want to go home?" "If you promise me we'll come back to bring her flowers." Chip led her to his car (Rebecca drove Scarlett there), and Scarlett got in. Chip put on a Panic! At The Disco song, and Scarlett started crying again. "We went to a Panic! concert one time. She loved that band," she said, smiling weakly.

Chip and Scarlett arrived at the circus, and Scarlett ran towards her trailer. The show had been moved to two weeks after Stella's death, and that was today. Scarlett paced in and announced: "I'll get into the box." "What?" Rebecca and Arthur said in unison. "Yeah, I think my dear brother here has learned from his mistakes, and he won't do it again." Rebecca looked at her in astonishment. "He could've killed you, Scarlett!" Scarlett shrugged. "We're all human, aren't we?" Rebecca scoffed, but didn't say anything, because she knew her sister wouldn't change her mind.

The show came, and the ringmaster started the introduction of Arthur's act. Scarlett anxiously awaited her inevitable fate, but still acted along. She got into the box, and hid a smile. "Are you ready, sis?" "Totally!" Arthur started sawing, and Scarlett's stitches tore pretty quickly. Blood started flowing again, and Scarlett couldn't be happier. Everything went black, and the last thing Scarlett thought was: I'll be there soon, my love.

Scarlett walked along a tunnel filled with light, with no apparent end destination. She looked down at her clothes, and noticed that she was wearing a long, black dress with a dark ring around her waist, rather than her costume she was wearing at the time of her death. She began walking faster, and reached the end of the tunnel.

At the end of the tunnel, there was a white room with a shining person in the middle. Scarlett came closer, and saw... "Stella?" Stella smiled, and held Scarlett tight. "Oh, how I've missed you!" Stella looked up and down at Scarlett, and asked: "Arthur again?" Scarlett tilted her head. "How'd you know?" Stella pointed at Scarlett's waist. "The bloodstain." "Oh. Like yours?" Stella nodded, looking down at the red spots on her white dress. "Let's get you a white dress, hmm?" They were just about to leave the room, when someone else entered.

"Chip?" He smiled, and said: "Yep." Stella walked towards Chip, and examined his bloodstains. "The horses trampled you?" Chip nodded. "I thought they liked me..." Stella patted Chip on his shoulder, and led him towards a sideroom, along with Scarlett. "Here. Pick one, and if you have one, come back. We have somewhere to be," Stella explained, pointing at the thousands of white outfits in the room. Scarlett came out wearing a white, short dress, and Chip came out with a white suit. Stella took both of their hands, and took them to a huge room, filled with light, laughter, and music.

"Welcome to heaven."

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