Rainy night

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A/N: I told you guys, the bitch is back, although this comeback might be a little underwhelming. I wrote about 90% of this when I was very sad, so IT'S ANGST TIME!!!!!! I hope you're excited. -E


Stella walked outside, hair drenched. It was cold, and her rather chilly outfit only consisting of a top that kept crawling up and a quite short skirt didn't help her constant shuddering. She inhaled sharply, icy air stabbing her lungs. Tears flowed from her eyes, and Stella was grateful for the rain, as it covered up her pain from the outside.

So this was it. It was over. The circus that had been her home for years, was gone. As she stared at the flat tent and the grass surrounding it, she started sobbing. She wasn't really to blame. All that she had was gone, anyway. She had no money, and no one to help her. Sure, she had Scarlett, but Stella knew how careless Scarlett was. And with her fragile stitches, Stella expected her to survive for 2 weeks, at the most. Stella didn't have much family or many friends in America, either. Some were dead, others started resenting her for leaving them. Other people just forgot about her. Stella didn't blame them.

So there she was. A broke, homeless, dumb girl in her twenties who only had a lover who had limited time. Stella laughed at herself for being surprised. No one at the circus ever really liked her. She tried at one point, but after no one acknowledged her for a year, she gave up. Her emotional nature did give her attention, and it was an okay outlet. It doesn't give you many friends, though. It was okay for Stella. She never expected anyone to like her. She had learned from a young age that some people were meant to be alone.

Stella clutched her travelling bag tightly. She knew that she'd have to leave soon. All she had now was a few extra outfits, hygienic products, her phone with earbuds and a journal with a pen attached. She took a deep breath, and started accepting her fate. It didn't really matter. Death was inevitable, and it was better to lose someone without meaning than someone with meaning, and she was the former.  Stella took one last look at the circus, and with a heavy force pushing down on her chest, she turned around and walked away.

cringe culture is dead lolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora