Teen AU- Part one

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A/N: no one cares about me or my writing anymore (which is probably a good thing). This AU is dumb and cliché. This story probably sucks. Do I care? No, because this is content! Also, I'm bored, and I can't shave my legs, I've done that already (yes, shaving my legs is my go-to when I'm bored SHSHHHDHFD) Whatever, just take it or leave it. -E

Scarlett heard the loud, familiar sound of heels stomping on the floor, and turned around to see Stella. She was crying, like she was most of the time, but she also seemed relieved, and frantically wiping the black make up stains, even though she never cared before. "Scar! Scar!" Her voice was trembling, and she kept looking behind her, like she was scared of something. Someone. "I did it." Stella was whispering now, and reaching for Scarlett's hand. "I broke up with him."

The words were barely audible, and Stella started sobbing when she said it. "Oh, honey..." Scarlett hugged Stella tightly, softly grazing her back. "You made the right decision, he wasn't good for you. Stella nodded weakly, and Scarlett let her go. She slammed her locker shut, and smiled at Stella. "Now, we are skipping class, and getting fries." "B-but..." "No, we are. Don't argue with me, Stella Neptune Summers."

Stella laughed softly, despite herself, and followed Scarlett outside. Scarlett pulled out of the parking lot, and Stella hopped in the passenger seat. Scarlett turned on her car radio, putting on her Taylor Swift CD, and they both loudly sang along while Stella reapplied her makeup. "We're here!"

Scarlett parked in front of a vintage diner, and both got out of the car. "Hey, Char!" Scarlett greeted the waitress, who waved back, smiling. Scarlett picked a booth, and Stella followed. The waitress came up to their table, grinning widely. "Are you ready to order yet?" "Uh, yes!" Stella started. "I would like large fries, with extra ketchup and a chocolate milkshake." "Same." Scarlett nodded at the waitress shortly, who smiled in response. "Alright, it'll be right there." Stella laughed nervously. "What was that about?" Scarlett's cheeks flushed bright red. "Nothing! Don't worry about it." "Alright..."

It took a long time for their food to arrive, and Scarlett was getting increasingly nervous. She tapped her nails against the table, and Stella just frowned in concern. "You alright?" "Yeah, I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be?" Scarlett giggled anxiously, and just as Stella opened her mouth to say something, the waitress arrived, right on cue. While she put the plates and glasses down, Scarlett reached in her bag.

Stella looked down at her food, seeing the words "PROM?" spelled out in ketchup. "Wha-?" She barely got the words out, when she was interrupted by a loud bang. Confetti rained down, landing in Stella's hair, fries and milkshake. "So what do you say?" Scarlett looked up at Stella with big, hopeful eyes. "Yes, yes, of course!" Stella stood up, and pulled Scarlett towards her, kissing her passionately. "Our parents are gonna kill us."

cringe culture is dead lolWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu