Scared & Lonely: Chapter 1

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I jolt awake in my bed, sweaty, and scared. I had another nightmare.

I look over at my window and see that it's morning. Then i look at the clock and see it's 6:30!!!!

"Holy shit!!!!" i yelled.

I flew the covers off my body and ran to the bathroom to take my shower. I washed my hair, and hopped out the shower and put a towel around my body. I looked in the mirror and saw the bruises on my hips, when i touched it...i flinched.

I looked away from the mirror being discussed in my self. " Don't be discussed in yourself" said a deep raspy voice. I looked around and saw no one. I hurried up and dried off and put on a black tank-top with a black sweat shirt and black jeans with my converses. I put on my smokey eye shadow and curled my hair at the tips. And looked in the mirror, pleased with my self.

I grab my back-pack and ran out my bedroom door, and past my kitchen. Then i run out the front door and accidentally slammed the door. Only to hear my "father" yell at me "Don't slam my damn door!!" I just rolled my eyes and walked down the drive way to my car. I'm happy that he didn't see me roll my eyes, i would've got in trouble...big time.

I felt a gush of wind swoop pass me, like if someone ran past me. I stopped and looked to see who ran past me, but no one was in sight. "Well naw shit dumb ass, they probably ran down the street" i thought.

I hopped in my car and drove to school.

* At School*

I walked through the doors of the school, and looked around. Only to see the guys laughing at me. And when i looked at the girls they just roll their eyes. Bitches. Oh i forgot to tell you, it's my first day here at Bradford High School.

I walked to the office to get my schedule, and walked through the doors of a office, only to see a young man sitting in a chair by the door. He looked very attractive, he had brown curly hair with a black beanie on his head, and black skinny jeans with a white T-shirt with black boots on. He looked up at me and smiled. Omg!!! He has dimples!!!!. I saw him stand up and walked over to me "Hello" he said. I looked at him curiously. I swear his voice sounds familiar. But i don't want to jump to conclusions. He waved his hand across my face. When i snapped back to reality, i noticed i was starring at him with my mouth hanging open and my eyes wide. I closed my mouth and blinked a couple of times.

"Hi" I said.

"Hi" he said back.

"How are you?" I said.

"I'm great just waiting on the principal" he replied.

"Oh" i awkwardly said, shifting from one foot to another.

"Hey you must be Emily?" the weird looking guy said

"Yes i am" i replied.

"Ok follow me" he requested. I followed behind him, and looked behind me only to see that the........must i say very attractive guy! wasn't there anymore. Hmmm i wander where he went, i thought.

We walked into a small but nice office. I sat down in a brown looking leather chair and put my stuff in my lap. I looked at the man searching for something on his desk. :Oh!" he yelled. I jumped a bit. I didn't see that coming. "Here it is" the weird looking man well principal, said. " Your classes will be on the first floor, and you will be going to Science for first period" he said. "Ok" i replied. I got the sheet of paper out of his hand and got my stuff and walked out his office.

I walked through the creepy hallways of the school and trying to find my first period class. "Room 601, Room 601" I repeated. I looked at the numbers by the door i had stopped at and read "537". You have got to be kidding me, i thought. I let out a heavy sigh. " Looking for something?" I jumped when i heard that deep raspy voice. I turned and looked at the guy. I noticed his boots were umm.....may i say raggedy?? "Oh yes I've been trying to find room 601" i told him. "Oh ok. Well let me show you" he said. I followed him down this long hallway i've been walking in for the past 20 minutes. "And here it is!" he said with a smile on his face. "Thanks" I said, grabbing onto the handle. I was fixing to turn the knob when i heard him say the most scariest thing ever."I've been waiting for you to come Emily" His eyes turned red. And with that.....he disappeared....literally.

Update??!!!! Comment!!!!

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