Scared&Lonely: Chapter 8

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(Picture of Louis' eyes above)

Louis' POV

"Davis?" Emily whispers out of Kayla's earshot. He nods "Does she know your a werewolf?" She asks and he nods and she sighs.

"Bitch!" And takes out the contacts causing Kayla to jump backwards worried.

"She can know what I am then!" She exclaims punching Davis' shoulder making him hiss in pain "That one did hurt." He says.

Emily backs up a few steps to get out of the way and runs into Paul who is holding Paislee.

Emily steals Paislee from him and bounces her around on her hip.

Kaylee decides to talk cowered in Davis' arm.

"What is wrong with you?" She asks scared.

"I am a vampire now." Emily answers handing Paislee back to Paul back and opening her arms for Kaylee and Kaylee gasps and runs into her arms.

"I love you Em." She says and Emily hugs back just not very hard "I love you too Kay." She says.

Jessi awes and Kaylee let's go of Emily "Who are they?" Kaylee asks.

"Well he is my mate." Emily says pointing to Harry.

"These are his friends Ashton, Luke, Michael, Calum, Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayn." she says pointing to us and using her power to know who Cal, Ash, Mikey, and Luke are.

"These are their mates Jessi, Jett, Eleanor, Perrie, Avery, Emma-Grace, Eve, and Maisie." She says pointing and using her power again.

"As you know I am Emily." She says laughing.

She nods an ok. Emily side hugs her until Kaylee whispers "Owe!" And Emily let's go.

"Sorry." Emily says before waking over to Davis and hugging him and rocking them back and forth and then hovering above the air to be closer to his hight and kissing his head.

Harry doesn't seem to mind because Ash keeps telling him what's going through her head.

(Ashton's power:reading minds. He is the only 5sos boy that has a power and the only one who has a power including the 4 mates of theirs.)

Kaylee seems to get mad though and tries to pull Emily off of Davis.

"Oh, bitch! You did not just do THAT!" Emily screams obviously mad at what Kaylee tried to do.

Kaylee nods and looks scared but holds her ground.

Emily growls and attacks Kaylee.

Harry doesn't stop it while Ashton continues to whisper what is going through her mind.

Davis looks freaked out but stops everyone from interfering.

Emily wins and gets off when she hears Kaylee's toes, ankle, foot, and leg cracking and her fingers, hand, wrist, and arms cracking.

Her left leg swells up as does her right arm.

Emily gasps at what she did and picks her up "We have to get her to the hospital!" She yells and we all take off running to the hospital.

Sure enough Kaylee's fingers, toes, hand, foot, wrist, ankle, arm, and leg and all broken, almost shattered.

Davis doesn't seem upset and neither does Harry or Kaylee.

Emily on the other hand it freaking out, crying, screaming, and telling the doctor it was her fault.

Much to Emily's interest Davis told the doctor she fell down...a lot.

Emily eventually gives up and falls asleep with her head in Harry's lap and the rest of her body on Davis and Paul while Paislee is laying on her chest and stomach.

The doctor comes in and puts up a new IV bag.

Later that night around 9:45 PM the doctor puts on a cast for her wrist, arm, and fingers and does the same for Kaylee's leg, toes, and ankle.

He gives her a sling and crutches and a boot that he puts over the cast.

The next day we help Kaylee get outside and then Emily carries her to the wolf territory.

"I have school tomorrow." Kaylee says and all of the wolves nod.

"I'm re-enrolling at our old school." Emily says.

"Avery, you should enroll. You are what, 200 years old?" And Avery nods "I'm actually 203."

"I look fourteen." Avery says. "I could probably pass as a 10th grader like all of you." Avery says.

"It's settled." Emily says and we all decide to hang out at the wolf territory tonight.

"Kaylee? If you come me and Avery are both vampires and Davis is a werewolf so we can make sure your okay." Emily says.

"Actually." Davis starts "I dropped out." He says and Emily has to be held back from hurting him.

"No just kidding! I graduated early." He says and Emily is released and growls harshly.

"Fuck you." She mumbles and he smirks "Not today, I have a mate now to help me with that."

She gags "Didn't need to know that!"

"Whatever!" He smiles back, "Even though we used to do that daily." She slaps him and shushes him as I smile at their friendship.

"Wait...Y'all were friends with benefits?" I ask.

They blush, or Davis does, and nod slightly. "Well, we dated for three years so it started as friends with benefits but built into something more." Davis smiles.

Maisie is asleep in my arms before Cal takes her back.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 20, 2015 ⏰

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