Scared&Lonely: Chapter 2

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*Recap: I was fixing to turn the knob when i heard the most scariest thing ever "I've been waiting for you to come Emily" his eyes turned red and with that.......he disappeared.........literally.*

Walking home, I was thinking about what happened to Harry. I wander where he went. After I had seen him disappear through the thin air, I never saw him again. People say that he was always a strange person. But how would they know?? They don't even talk to the guy.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a couple of guys laughing. "Hey you!!" I looked back at the man who yelled at me. Oh great. The last person I wanted to see the Jocks leader, Jake. "Hey bitch!!! Did you hear me!!" He yelled at me. "Come here!!!" He yelled. "Don't listen to him. Emily. Turn around and run." a husky voice said. I looked around and no one was near except the guy that has been yelling at me for the past few minutes. Then I noticed they were walking towards me. Then I took off into a sprint. "Get her!!" they yelled. Next thing i knew, I was tackled into a big bush almost as tall as I am. I rolled onto my back in the grass. I then realized I couldn't breath. I looked for my bag, and took out my inhaler. And yes I do have asthma. Once I could breath again, I looked around to see who tackled me. I saw a head with brown curly hair. Harry.

I got up and walked over to him and got on my knees and stared at him. I combed my fingers through his hair, and smiled. I've never seen a guy so beautiful in my life. "Thanks." a voice said, making me jump.

"Nice to know I'm beautiful." Harry said. I blushed with embarrassment. "You're welcome" I replied.

"Let's get you home." "No!!!" I yelled. "Why not?" he replied, shocked at my remark. "Because I don't want to see my parents" i told him. "Oh" was all he said.

"Can we go to your place?" i asked. "Why?" he asked. "Because I don't have anywhere else to go" I told. "Sure" He replied.

*At Harry's house*

I sat on the edge of the bed bored out of my mind. I looked around his room, and noticed how tidy it was. The books on his shelf was neatly lined up from top to bottom. The shoes in the closet was lined up along the wall. The clothes were hung up neatly, with no wrinkles................ I'm so jealous.

He walked out of the bathroom with nothing except boxers. And let me tell you.....he is fit.

"Like what you see" Harry says, interrupting my thoughts. "Actually I do" I said. He smiled at me. I smacked myself in the head realizing what i just said. "Here" he said, tossing a pair of boxers and a white plain T-Shirt. I put on the clothing and completely forgot that Harry was in here.

"Nice" he smirked. I rolled my eyes and pulled back the covers and got in. I rolled onto my side, facing the window.

"I love you Emily. I'm glad you're my mate." was the last thing i heard from Harry before I drifted off into a deep sleep.

*Harry's POV*

I sat in the chair by the window. Looking at my mate. I knew she was my mate the first time I saw her. I got up and stood by the bed and watched her sleep. She is so beautiful. I wouldn't want anyone but her. I have to tell my mates(Liam,Niall,Louis,Zayn) that I found her. So they don't think I picked a random girl off the streets.

I then noticed I've been standing there hours. And noticed she was starring right at me with her beautiful green eyes.

I ran out of the room and down the long swirly stairs, and through the living room and into the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and got a pack of blood and closed the refrigerator door and walked back into the living room.

*Emily's POV*

I woke up to the feeling of someone starring at me. When I had opened my eyes I saw Harry starring at me like he was in love with something or maybe someone. I hope it isn't me he's thinking about. Cause i don't like him like that yet. Yes you do Emily....No i don't...Yes you do...No I don't. Well at least I don't think so.....

*Harry's POV*

I was sitting on my couch, thinking about Emily. I wander what she's thinking right now. After the situation that happened earlier. I walked up the long, swirly stairs till I reached the hall her room was in. I walked to her door, and stopped. I put my ear against the door and listened to what was going on. I didn't hear anything. I got worried. I closed my eyes and tried to listen to her thoughts. And then I heard them. She was arguing with herself about someone or something liking her or her liking it, or them. And then it hit me. She knows I like her. I hope she likes me too, because I love her.

Do you think Emily already has feelings for Harry??

I will be updating later on today so......Comment.

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