Scared&Lonely: Chapter 3

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Emily's POV

I keep arguing with myself for a few minutes until I notice him staring at me again. "What are you looking at Harry? Also what does being your mate mean?" I question him remembering last night and him saying "I'm glad your my mate."

Harry's POV

I didn't know she heard me! "If I tell you you can't be scared and then we have to meet my other friends..." I say.

She nods agreeing.

"Well I was going to tell you later but I can tell you now, I guess. Well there is a species that most humans don't know excist, vampires. All vampires have mates, whether it be another vampire or werewolf or the most rare...a human. Now Emily I am a vampire along with my friends that you will meet soon. Like I said, a human mate is very rare but it has happened to me and I love her and I hope she loves me. Her name is Emily and she heard me say that she was my my mate and I hope she will be ok with that. And the fact that I will most likely have to change her." I finish leaving her schocked.

"Is that the reason that your eyes change color, you know what i'm thinking, and you appear and dissapear fastly?" She asks.

I nod and she gasps but jumps and hugs me. "Are you ok with me getting my friends over?" I whisper and she slowly nods.

As soon as I nod back the 4 of them run inside laughing.

"Dude, she is sooooo pretty!" Niall yells. She blushes and tries to cover her face.

"Babe 1 we have super sight and can see that 2 don't cover up you are beautiful." I chuckle.

"Harry do it..." She whispers but we all hear her clearly.

"Do what?" I question knowing the answer to my question as does everyone else in the room.

"You know...make me one of you." She says.

I nod and then Louis says "Well Liam and I have arms and Zayn and Niall will hold her legs down. Harry don't kill her." He jokes but Emily gasps and backs up.

"He was joking love!" Zayn laughs.

She nods and Liam asks her to go upstairs and lay on the bed she does and we follow closly behind while whispering. "I'm putting on something white, I need a new tie-die shirt." She says and we chuckle.

She changes in front of the five of us. She changes out of what looked to ne a white Victoria Secret push-up bra into a black one and into a white crop-top.

She willingly lays on our bed with white sheats...bad idea looking back. Niall and Zayn hold each leg with force as do Liam and Louis with her arms but they make sure not to hurt her.

"I love you Harry Styles." she says. I bite into her neck and all around me I hear me screams and moans.

"I love you too." She is thrashing around in my friends grips and I see tears coming from her eyes. I moaned at the taste and kept drinking her blood.

"That's enough Harry!" I hear Liam say.

I pull out and wipe my face. "When should she wake up?" I ask to no certain person.

"Around 30 minutes." someone who I couldn't make out answers. I nod and lay on my bed next to her.

Niall puts in The Conjuring and the rest lay around Emily and I.

Around the part where they get to the actual movie and not the doll part Emily starts shaking and screaming.

The boys and I jump up and try to do something but we can't. In 5 minutes Emily shoots up like a rocket.

Emily's POV

"Holy Shit. What is going on? Why can I see without my contacts? Wait why I am covered in blood and craving it. I don't remember anything." I say aloud.

"We'll Emily, your a vampire because you asked me to change you. You are my mate. You remember what a mate is, don't you?" the curly fry asks.

I nod but say back "I don't remember any of you or this house. Should I?" I ask.

Harry look horrified and I start laughing "Just kidding! Your face though." I say and he hits me. "So mean!"

I chuckle and shrug. I jump up and hug him pushing him backwards.

I kiss him violently until Louis coughs "Uhhm?" and I let go of Harry and turn around.

I can feel my eyes burning red "Yes?" and he gulps "Um you need to feed so let's go find some people also we need to get our mates." he says gesturing to Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Himself.

"We also need to teach you about powers and how to find out yours." Harry says kissing me again.

I wrap my legs around his hard cold body. I nod and so Harry tells me to get on his back and his friends and him run super speed to apparently Louis' house where their mates were hanging out at.


Written/Co-Written by:

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