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Dedicated to Ruba_T

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Chanyeol 'S pov.

I hate you baekhyun so much,,,

I wish I  never meet him and married him,,,

But how would I have known he was a slut pretending to be Holy Bible ,,

I went to my office direct after the argument I heard with baekhyun,,,,

I sat on my office when my secretary called me and said their is a  man want to meet me,,,

I told my secretary to tell him to come in

What can I do for you??

I came here to present my client,,,

Which client you mean?? You are wasting my time

Read what is inside the envelope Sir

I opened the envelope and saw

Divorce papers?

Yes  park chanyeol  my  client baekhyun has  signed already now it's your turn to sign up the papers

He is really eager to be with older men I see,,,

Don't talk bad about my  client you  don't really know him and I suggest you  ask who he is  before bad mouthing him,,,

What I don't know is  that  maybe he  accepted to sleep with you for free in  order for you to present the divorce,,,

I wonder how  Sir  baekhyun  stay with you for seven years with this ugly attitude of yours,,,

Haha now you are calling that poor thing Sir??

You will not understand  park  chanyeol I hope you won't regret later on for your  bad decisions

Haha I think he  spell on you a black magic for you to see he is nice  but in real he is a slut,,,

I don't want to hear anything park chanyeol now sign up the divorce,,,

He  thinks he will  scare me with divorce he is wrong,,, I will give him the divorce,,

I took the papers and signed

From now on wards am not tied up with that snake anymore,,,

Thank you sir for your  time and now I  want to give you a piece of advice,, 

You  let go of the nice person who will never find in  anybody,,, I hope you don't regret for your bad Choice and I promise you  baekhyun will  never forgive you for what you have done to him

Are you his  sugar daddy  also?? I don't need stupid advise from you at all,,, keep it to your self and by the way tell him I will send him soon an  invitation to my wedding with kyungsoo,,, he  better get ready,,, if he thinks he is smart then am  more smarter than him,,,

And  by the way tell  him I never loved him,,  he was just a  sex toy to me,,  the  one I always love is  kyungsoo,,,

After that stupid lawyer left I slammed the  files on the floor,, 

I need to make baekhyun suffer more,, 

I will definitely going to marry soo and I  will make sure the wedding will be the talk of the whole Korea

Wait and see baekhyun you don't know what is  coming to you.

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