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Dedicated to Ruba_T

Chanyeol 'S pov.

After baek hung up on me,,, I really felt sad,,

I know  I have hurt him but I couldn't stand him  cheating on me,, on  finding Lucas is  not my real son I couldn't stand that fact,,,

I went inside the house when I saw soo  running to me

What's up babe??
I miss you channie,, make love to me

Yes baek I will make love to you

What channie are you still thinking of that stupid guy

Don't call him that soo,,,

I love you channie why cant you love me back

I don't know soo I have tried to love you but I just cant I only think of him,, everytime

But he cheated on you with old man,,

Don't you dare make me remember

Does it hurt channie

Keep your mouth shut soo or I will forget you are the mother of my daughter

What hit me if you want,,, but I won't let you say to my face that you still love that snake

Yes soo I fucking love him so much when am with I just see him in you his face smiling at me,,,

Fuck you chanyeol,,  don't you see he doesn't love you

I don't care kyungsoo,,, I still love him,,, I always call him to annoy him but in real I want to hear his beautiful voice,,,,

Don't dare say that to my face or I will go with our daughter

If you want leave but don't go with my daughter,,,

Am leaving this house chanyeol with our daughter,,, go and bring that stupid snake who has no  shame like you,,,

Don't dare call him that,, he has a name,,

Waooh now when you have been calling him  snake do you think he will love you if he is just a slut

I lost my  temper and slapped him,,

Am  sorry soo please forgive me

Am  leaving with our daughter

Please don't go I will do whatever you want me to do,,

Marry me or I will go with our daughter

Do you think  chanyeol will give in to Kyungsoo 'S demands???

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