
419 20 13

Dedicated to  Ruba_T
All readers.

Chanyeol's pov.

Am so  happy for tomorrow's  event am  definitely sure my  company will win the competition of  making 🍷 wine,,, since I have been always winning,,,

Soo  tomorrow are you coming with me to the event I have?

Of  course channie and I know you will win the competition

Yes  babe I will definitely win

Did you call me babe??channie

Yes don't you like it I can change if you wish

No  I love it  channie,,,

Okay  babe now  let's go to sleep,,,



Did you taste every wine and make sure it taste okay

Yes  babe  now tomorrow if we win I will propose to you to marry you I promise

Really  channie

Yes babe you deserve to be my wife,,,

Thanks  channie,,,

Tomorrow I will make sure baekhyun to  know I won and then I will call all the reporter to come and  take all  videos they want

I will definitely marry  soo,,, I really like him and we have a  daughter,,, I have to give it a trial,,

Babe wake up and prepare our daughter to go to school  before we got late to the event

Okay  channie,,,

We arrived at the event and all  my employees had  our  wine  and  the event started while  reporters were stand by

Babe Its  our time they will start with our wine,,,

🍷 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷

They started tasting our wine,,,

What is  this  park chanyeol we are so dissapointed with you,,,

What is it Sir,,,

Can you taste your wine,, 

I put a small wine in a  glass and it was so tastless with salt,,

Sir sorry their is  a mistake,,, I my self tasted the wine yesterday and it was good,,,

We are so  dissapointed in you,,,

Fuck who could have  destroy our wine like this??

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