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Dedicated to lalalala_17399
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Baekhyun 's pov.

Baek what if you loose your life trying to save chanyeol

I don't care doctor do everything to save him,,,

Why don't you want chanyeol to know you are saving him,,,

Let it be our little secret doctor and I hope you don't betray me,,,

Okay I will keep my mouth shut but you should at least consider of telling him,,,

No he won't accept me to help him at all,,

Okay I will keep your secret safe,,,

Thank you doctor

So when are you going to pay the money and we start with operation

Next week just inform chanyeol that you find someone sponsored him to do operation and you found the kidney

Okay baek,,,

Good day doctor,,

Same to you baekhyun,,

I walked out from the hospital and went directly to the park to have fresh air,,,

You have hurt me so much chanyeol but I cant let you die like that,,,, you are the father of my son and I won't be so cold hearted neither

I love you so much and am willing to save you,, but I cant let you find out am the one who will help you,,,

I cant show you I love you,,, I murmured to my self,,,

You cant just die chanyeol,,,, am willing to save you even if you stay with anyone you love even if it's kyungsoo ,,,but as long as you are alive nothing more I can ask.

Doctor's pov.

I don't see why baekhyun and chanyeol get divorced,,,

I can see they really love each other with all their heart but they just cant admit it,,,

Am very pleased with baekhyun's decision to save chanyeol

I need to inform chanyeol he will live again if the operation will go well,,,

Hi chanyeol I have good news for you

What is it doctor

I have a friend of mine who sponsors sick people and he is willing to pay for your operation and I have a person who will give you a kidney

I don't want to go with the operation doctor,,, I have nothing to live for in this world,,,

You are wrong chanyeol

No doctor,,, I have completely no one in this world,, so don't try to convince me doctor

And he disconnected the call,,

I will do everything for chanyeol to agree,,, he doesn't know that baek what to help him,,,

I will do everything for park chanyeol to agree to get kidney transplant

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