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Dedicated to zilia

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Chanyeol 'S pov.

We cant sister,,, baek deserves someone better than me,,,,

No  bro baek and you love each other why cant you be happy, 

I cant make baek happy,,, he deserves someone who is better,,,,,

We are going to fulfill your wish noora,,, I heard baek  saying,,,

Don't say that baek you know I won't make you happy I only give you pain,,,

Shut up chanyeol,,, we are getting 🔙 together whether you like it or not,,,,

Am  so  scared to death

What if I  go to the operating room and die,,,

It  was the day of my  operation of kidney transplant,,,

I was put in the same room as my sister,,,

Doctor 'S pov.

Today was the day I was going to do operation and transplant chanyeol 'S sister's kidney to  chanyeol

I was really scared,,, I can be a doctor but I  was so much scared,,,

I cant believe noora want to  loose her  life to save his  brother 'S life,,,

The  operation  went  successful and  I saw chanyeol laughing,,,

When I looked at her sister  she was  still not responding

I touched her and  she was dead already,,,

Chanyeol sorry your sister is  death

No  doctor  my sister is alive  ,,

I was trying to tell chanyeol when his parents came and  slapped him so  hard

You should have died than  let your sister die,,  you are good for nothing son

No  way can they quarrel like that and  blame him for nothing and  he is also in pain

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