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Dedicated to Ruba_T
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Baekhyun 'S  pov.

I saw  chanyeol walking to us,,,

Wow I think my  plan worked now I need to  play some scene,,

I hold suho 'S hand when he wanted to ask me why he  saw  chanyeol and  understood what I was  doing,,,

Suho let's go and sit in that  table,,,

We  sat and  chanyeol arrived at our table,,,

What do you think you are doing here??

Who is this guy  baek

Excuse me Park  chanyeol you cant just be rude to him,,, and you have no right to question me that
Have you moved on  baek

What do you think chanyeol I will wait for you or you wanted me to come and beg you to love me ,,,no way no sir

You should respect your  wife and daughter,,,

Baek I need to talk with you,,,

No am with my  boyfriend you just cant come here and order me around,,,,

You  slut when will you leave my  channie alone??

Oooh  you called me slut??

Yes I  did,,,

How about me  calling you a  cobra,,,

I stand up and went towards kyungsoo,,, and whispered to his ears

Do you want chanyeol to know the real you?? I know your  daughter is not his daughter,,, I know your secret,,,, I have more evidence in fact,,,

So  help me with my plan or  your  secret will be known,,,

I will help you,,,

Apologize to me Now

I went to sit down ignoring chanyeol,,,

Am  sorry  baek,, really I mean it,,

Okay  soo no big deal,,,

Baeki need to speak with you

No  park chanyeol,, kyungsoo take away your husband is too  much,,,

After  chanyeol gave  me and suho a death glare they left,,,

I will make you pay  park chanyeol whether you like it or not,,,

Kyungsoo will help me or I will destroy him,,,

Baek what game are you planning to play

Don't worry suho I need to teach him a lesson,,,

What if it  backfires

No way  suho,,,, wait and watch,,,

Which game do you think  baek is playing

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