Broken Glass

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The cacophony of metal clanging cut through the murky darkness. The overwhelming stench of dirt and rust sullied the nostrils of all who entered the enclosed space.

A lone boy starved to the point of bones with bags under his visible eye stood out amongst the black background, his dull eye darting around frantically in search of wisps of the familiar shade of blonde.

It didn't take long for a shine to grab his frantic gaze as a strand of hair caught his eye. He clung onto the last sliver of hope he had left and dashed towards the fallen form.

His icy cold, bare feet pattered across the serrated rock, the boy's mind completely shutting out the pain of the rocks ripping and tearing at his heels and the scars he had torn open from the sudden movement.

His feet pounded its last steps as he collapsed by the side of the head of which the golden hair belonged to. He frantically shook the blonde boy's shoulder, his tears mixing with the blood pooled around him. The boy refused to let go of his iron grip and flung the blonde boy's shoulders desperately, only to have his head fall towards him. The male with the tattered rags stared at the other boy's now empty and almost glass like eyes.

His fingers twitched and the cold, limp body fell to his lap. The poor boy's sapphire eye seemed to loose what little light that was left in it. He picked up the cause of the boy's demise that was scattered around his lifeless figure...

"N-no...!" The boy's voice trembled as he came to his most dreaded conclusion. He dropped the shard of glass she had clutched just moments ago as it sliced his palm's flesh.

"N-no...d-don't're all I have left..." The smudged bandage around the boy's right eye glowed a dull red at the exact spot where his eye would be under the layer of gauze. "d-don't leave me..." The male's throat strained out a hoarse whisper.


I sat up on my bed, my eyes wide and a bead of cold sweat rolling down my forehead. My head shot to my side as my mentor's calming, lemon jems came into view.

He gripped my ice cold hand with his warm, gloved ones and gave me a wry but gentle smile. His large eyes which I read like an open book showed his worry as his face stubbornly kept the smile etched there like stone.

He brought a hand to his lips and bit the tip of the middle finger before pulling the cloth glove off his hand with a single motion. Bringing the now ungloved hand to my forehead, he let out a sigh and retracted his hand.

"The fever you got must've some how triggered the nightmares," he looked at me apologetically with his yellow orbs, "I'll ask Karl for more medicine, in the meantime try to get as much sleep as you can..."

The ebony haired man pulled his glove back over his hand, hiding and protecting all the scars and wounds carved into it.

I nodded absentmindedly and layed back down on the bed, crawling under the sheets and turning it into a warm cocoon. Mentor stood up and left the room after waving me a quick goodbye, leaving me to listen to the deafening silence of long dead laughter.

Mentor's POV:

After leaving him to rest, I stepped along the carpeted hallway with quickened steps.

Karl, I need to call him...before he...NO! that won't happen again...not under my watch.

I finally reached my office and in my rush I slammed the door open. Not caring about the new dent in my wall I jogged over to the rotary phone on my desk and punched in the string of numbers.

"Hello?" A familiar voice rang out and I heaved out a small sigh of relief
"Karl, it's me...he..."
"The nightmares again?"
"Yes, I was hoping you had more suppressants."
"I don't think medicine would help now..."
"Why not...?"

"I'll send you a file, about that Komori Yui I told you about..." He seemed to hesitate. "I'll suggest to you my plan after, do call me once you have looked through it."

I only grunted in acknowledgement as I feared for my apprentice.

"Goodbye for now." As Karl promptly cut off, I slowly placed the phone back on it's stand.

Heh, look at me. One of the best assassins on the market fearing for someone's life.

I laughed dryly at the irony of my predicament.

Then's only been five years...I feel like he's been with me for he's my own seres on... he went through what no one should have to...

I opened my inbox

All those years of pain...

I clicked on the email Karl sent me

Of torture...

I clicked the attached file

Since the small age of...


But then again...that might be how he learnt so quickly. Every move memorized in a matter of seconds after execution. Not needing a second explanation on how to carry out moves and all done perfectly.


He can mirror anything, huh?




That's all he ever does...

Ever since...

He died...

His first and last friend...

His light...

The only thing between him and...

A shard of a broken mirror

A piece of glass


Broken glass...

File open...

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