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The doors creaked open loudly, producing the two humans of the household.

The blackette stepped out first, his in a small ponytail as he sat down in an empty seat beside Subaru and Shu.

All he received was a peeved look from Ayato, a flirtatious one from Laito (surprise surprise), and a worked look from Subaru. Shu looked at him lazily before, probably, deeming him as a good pillow and laying his head on the ravenette's shoulder.

Yui tensed but Kagami simply continued eating his tender steak. Letting loose a silent yawn, the bluenette leaned his head against the boy's orangey hair, his eyes gleaming a similar shade of sunset.

His eyes fluttered shut as he placed one of the blonde male's earpices in his own ear, earning a shocked gasp from Yui who was glared at by Shu for being noisy. Surprisingly the boy with the piercing blue eyes didn't seem to mind his earpiece getting taken out for, probably, the first time. He just snuggled deeper into the crook of the shorter male's neck.

Reiji muttered his disapproval but otherwise stayed silent.

"I'm done." Shu muttered with half lidded eyes as he lifted his head and stood up from his seat, disappearing from the room.

Reiji muttered another incoherent curse.

"Reiji," Kagami spoke up, breaking the silence that had once again fell amongst the group. "Might it be possible to request for a change of living quarters?" he asked with his eyes tinted a shade darker.

He added, "Just an empty room, I can move the rest myself."

The boys eyes wandered over the blackette's figure in thought before staring back at his half finished plate. "Alright then, take the fifth room on the right from the stairs, second floor." The shorter male nodded in reply and sat in his seat, his empty plate before her.

As everyone finished, Reiji announced the end of dinner and slowly everyone left the room.

"Mister Kowa, I expect you to be on time tomorrow unless you wish for punishment." Reiji glared at the other blackette who replied with a curt nod before, much to Reiji's surprise, excused himself politely with a bow.

With barely any trouble, the pale boy found his way to Yui's sickeningly pink room and slung his backpack over his shoulder before lifting the bed's mattress in one hand and all it's sheets and pillows in another.

Yui gawked in awe at the sight of such a thin and weak looking male showing such strength. Said boy gave a wry smile, a hue of pink glazed over his eyes, before exiting the room towards his planned destination.

He tossed his items on the carpeted floor of his assigned room and returned to the female's room for the bed frame.

After lugging that oaken board to his room, he replaced the black mattress and blood red sheets and pillows. A swift kick sent the bed flying to a corner of his room, hitting the wall with just a soft thud.

A knock resonated from the shut door and caught Kagami's gaze. A neatly laid out uniform was sprawled on the edge of his newly made bed as a black silhouette stood in the now open doorway.

A curt bow caused Reiji to nod in response as he shut the door, allowing the younger male some privacy to change.

"Fufufu~ Ohaiyo, Usami-kun~" a voice grabbed his attention yet again as he turned to his bed, simply glancing at the fedora head, unamused.

His green eyes seemed to pierce the ravenette's very being and would usually send shivers down Yui's spine. However, the blackette did not even flinch under his strong gaze. He merely picked up the uniform and began dissecting it, ignoring the lavander eyed boy that stood by the doorway, fully expecting him to leave after seeing Laito. This of course would have caused the seventeen year old to bump into him.

He tightly clutched his patched bear to his chest as his face contorted into a scowl.

A large hand tightly gripped his pale wrist as he held up the pink tie with a finger, his eyes filled with distain. His vision shifted towards the ombre haired male, a red glint danced in his own eyes.

"What!?" he growled animalistically. A smirk grew on the boy's face as he glanced down at his girly colored necktie

He scowled and shook off Ayato's grip, pulling out a pair of jeans and his belt from his unpacked suitcase and stormed into his room's bathroom.

He peeled off his old jeans and shirt and threw on the white dress shirt and his new pair of jeans. Less than a second after getting dressed, the bathroom door was knocked down, leaving him in full view of the triplets.

He grinned at Ayato's annoyed scowl as he had to knock down the solid door only to see him fully dressed.

"Okairi, Ruki-kun, Yuma-kun, Azusa-kun, Kou-kun." A timid voice easily recognised to be Yui muttered from downstairs.

The only thought that flashed through Kagami's head was, Kou...could it be...?

His blue eyes widened, as the clothes in her grip fell to the floor.

The last sound he heard was his own feet pounding against the carpeted floor as he dashed past the triplets on his way to the stairwell.

The first thing he saw was that familiar shade of bright blonde, followed by the boy's familiar smile then the blonde's blank expression as he stared into his wide eyes.

It was him,


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