Night School

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" thank you..." The black haired male muttered softly as he looked down before standing and bowing like Yui.

"M-my name is Kowa Kagami...nice to meet you all." He gave a nervous smile as a pink hue took over his eyes.

"Right, introductions are only proper." Reiji nodded "That deadbeat is the oldest of us brothers, Shu." He pointed to the blonde laying on the couch in obvious disgust as his relatively harmless words oozed with venom at the mention at his bretherin.

"I am the second oldest." He pushed up his spectacles.

"He is the third son." Ayato gave you a clearly annoyed smirk as he muttered curses under his breath making Reiji's eyes roll.

"He is the fourth son, Kanato." He pointed to the boy with the Teddy bear who just gave Kagami a creepy smile.

"He is the fifth son, Laito." He pointed to the Ayato lookalike as said man tipped down his fedora with a perverted giggle.

"And lastly, the youngest, Subaru." He pointed to the still fuming albino.

Subaru's POV:

Che, another bloodbag? They always get on my nerves with their whining.

His eyes hovered over me as I felt my blood boil.

"What?!" I spat at him as my fist slammed into the wall behind me, leaving a crater, ignoring that tableware otaku, Reiji's complaining.

To my surprise he didn't flinch, instead he stood up and took my hand to, I guess, check for bruises.

I snatched my hand away to hide the blood that started to rush to my face as his eyes seemed to haze over with a milky white.

Before I could make another sound, he walked briskly to the other side of the wall and after disappearing for only a few seconds, the wall flew back into place. The only evidence of damage being the cracks in the wall.

He stepped back out and glared at me. "What?" He asked offendedly as I simply stood in a daze.

Yui's POV:

What did Kowa-chan just do?! The wall just... HOW?!

"Anno...Kowa-san..." I tried to continue but he shot me a glare similar to Reiji's.

"Don't get me wrong. I just dislike disorder."

3rd Person POV:

Yui just stood in shock as Reiji nodded in slight contentment.

"You could learn a thing or two from Mister Kowa here, Yui." Reiji commented, causing Yui to nervously nod her head in reply.

"Now take him to your room, an extra bed has already been prepared." Kagami turned to Yui as she kept her head low.

He followed the timid blonde upstairs and into a disturbingly pink room. His jewel like eyes darted around the room, inspecting every nook and cranny. His gaze fell upon a dark oak bed accompanied with blood red sheets and pillows. The mattress was black and had the outline of red rose in the middle of it.

Kagami stepped nonchalantly to his bed and slung off his backpack.

"S-so Kowa-sa-"
"Call me Kagami."

The blackette flashed a timid but warm smile at the blonde, thoroughly confusing her.

"W-well Kow...uh...Kagami, I'm-"
"Yui Komori, daughter of Seiji Komori. I'm your hired bodyguard." The girl stared at the blackette, her rose eyes wide in disbelief.

"Oi, Chichinashi! Horse! Reiji wants you two downstairs!" A voice hollered from the door, making Yui flinch and Kagami to glance over.

"Che, no need to yell ya dumbass." The taller male seethed as Yui tried to clasp a hand over his mouth, only to be shoved aside as Ayato ran up and grabbed the black haired male by the collar. He slammed him against the wall and growled at the smug smirk on his face.

"What?!" He demanded before immediately getting a sharp pain piercing his side. He dropped the male to the floor and fell on his knees, weakly clutching his side and his face that of agony. Glaring at the boy standing above him, he caught sight of the bloodied knife in his hand.

"Silver" he wheezed as the ravenette began tracing along the blade's floral hilt.

A flash of red flickered in his eyes and he resheathed the blade and dragged the green eyed boy's body to his bed, Ayato was too exhausted to retaliate.

"Haiz, if you didn't attack me this wouldn't have happened." He sighed, knowing full well the other boy would have rebutted if he could. He grimaced as Kagami smeared a substance from a glass bottle over his stab wound only to find it fully healed moments later. No scab or scar on his flawless skin. Kagami replaced the glass bottle and muttered to himself about tweaking it's ratio of Rosemary to elderberry sap, among other ingredients.

Ayato's POV:

What is wrong with this bloodbag?!  He stabs me, then heals me and now he's acting like Reiji, muttering to himself!

"Che." I shove him as far as I can and storm out the door.

I hear whimpering from Yui and I smirked to myself.

At least I still have bloodbag...

Wait, Horse...

I never really noticed but now that I think about it...

What the hell was that gross smell lingering around him. It was sour and had a scent kinda like...


3rd Person POV:

Yui slowly pulled herself off the floor and nervously looked at the boy who was wiping off his bloodied blade with a towelette.

The cold glint of metal sent a shiver down her back as she hesitantly spoke up.

"U-um, Kagami-san we should..." She trailed off as Kagami gave her a smile and nodded.

"But um Yui...I don't know how to get back..." The usually observant male looked at the floor as Yui started feeling more comfortable around the him.

Nodding and flashing a bright smile, Yui proceeded to walk out of the room and through the winding hallways, her bodyguard on her tail.

Time skip~(I'm lazy m'kay?^_^¦¦¦)

Reiji's POV:

Ayato had returned to the dinner table from his trip to fetch the two but came back alone.

How useless are my 'brothers'?

"And the other two, Ayato?" I asked incredulously.

He responded with a huff that I returned in frustration.

And I have still yet to brief that young man about

Night school

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