Yui Komori

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A ray of golden light falling through the crack of the oaken door stirred me awake from my light slumber as my eyes fluttered open.

I unconsciously raised a hand to shield myself from the light.

A glint of a shiny chocolate brown came into my hazy vision and I sat up to greet my visitor. He stepped quietly into the room and flipped on the light switch, making me hiss at the sudden blinding light. After my vision cleared I noticed the small clippings of papers in my mentor's hands.

Mentor's POV:

I had just barely opened a crack in the door when he raised his hand and sat up, staring in my direction with his piercing sapphires. I entered quietly and giggled to myself when I realised the stack of papers I was holding caught his eye.

I sat down on the side of his bed and brought my face towards his. Considering that my hands were full and still gloved I decided to do this. I gently pressed our foreheads together and...

Thank God... He's getting better...

I hummed in delight as I pushed the stack of paper towards him, beginning my mission briefing.

"Yui Komori," I placed a picture along with a profile of the girl featured before her.

Physical and Vital Statistics

Ethnicity: Japanese
Height:158 cm (5'2")
Weight:45 kg (99 lb)
Blood Type:O" I paused for a minute before continuing my briefing.

"Her eyes are both a sherbert pink and her hair is platinum...blonde..." I hesitated on the last word, giving a quick upwards glance only to receive his usual dull look.

Good, he seems to not get any bad memories from the word blonde...

Taking a shaky but barely noticeable breath, I breached the part of this topic that had been tugging at my heart strings ever since I heard Karl's suggestion. "Currently staying: Sakamaki Residence... You will be assigned to act as her body guard and live at the residence for year of observation."

"Additionally, you are not to harm any of the Sakamakis and their relatives, any others are fair game if done discretely." I flipped over the page and finished my instructions.

I turned my gaze and stared into his sapphite crystals as I produced a box of identically blue lenses from the breast pocket of my casual suit.

"Do you accept, Kowa Kagami?"
Handing them to him, he gave me a quick nod before slipping out of bed silently and walking to his cupboard to change out of his casual sleep wear, consisting of a pair of black shorts hidden under a large grey shirt.

He pulled out a set of clothes without a hint of hesitation and I reached for the room's doorknob. I tugged it down and shoved the structure open, giving him a quick backwards glance before shutting the door behind me as I stepped outside.

Time skipuuuu~! (3rd POV)

A couple hours later a honk blared at full volume and rang through the large masion. Before Chiba could rasp his knuckles against the wood of his understudy's door, the door swung inwards and produced a male with long black hair partially pulled back in a short ponytail.

His black locks were down to his neck and the last few inches were a faded but prominent red that faded out to black as it rose. A small sliver of his fringe shrouded mystery and shadows upon his right eye.

He was in a pair of casual, faded jeans that was supported by the thick chains around his waist. A black leather holster with red trim hung loosely on the chains. The glint and occasional appearance of a silver hilt of a blade protruded from it's sheath.

A long sleeved V-neck shirt had been pulled over the rather tall male's torso and the hilt of his custom dagger.

The older male gave a frustrated yet amused scoff and adjusted the troublesome placement of the sheath that the two had countless, mostly one sided, disagreements about.

As time seemed to halt, he stared into the blue abyss of Kagami's eyes and his eyes crinkled, emphasizing his rare truthful smile.

He recalled memories, the beautiful ones, the funny ones...even the sad ones...and of course...the ones...

He would never forget...

How he would master every technique flawlessly, how they trained on equal terms when he was only 12 and the day he finally talked to him...

Yup, that memory was definitely a keeper and there to stay it shall.

A second honk boomed from the driveway signalling the growing impatience of the driver in the parked limo.

With a rather strong reluctance, he stepped away from the still-stood boy and gave him a push to the stairs.

Each click of the wheels of her luggage against the stairs echoed loudly in the assassin's ears as the final fact sunk in.

He's leaving...

He flew down the staircase, cascading towards his slowly fading figure. His ebony hair flew behind him as tears stang his eyes. Refusing to let them fall before reaching the boy, he nimbly hopped down each step proving him worthy of the title of an acrobat.

After reaching the front door, Kagami was pulled into a hug by a sharp tug to his forearm. His eyes showing his rare emotion before the light in them cease to exist.

He nodded to him and walked to the limo as his mentor and father figure stood in the doorway, supported by it's wooden frame.

A warm glow washed over his usually dull sapphire eyes as he gave a smile, his lips curling and his eyes shut.

Here I come...

Yui Komori

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