The new boy

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Kou's azure eyes gleamed in the chandelier's light as he tried to recall where he had seen that familiar oceanic blues.

He muttered under her breath and made Kou's eyes flare open wider.


"Idol...chii..." A tear rolled down the side of his face as he silently cursed himself for not recognizing his friend,

his first friend,

his first and only...


Quickly regaining his facade long enough to run towards the ravenette who was inching down the stairs, tears in his eyes as he glomped the blackette.

They fell to their knees as Kou whined and dug his face into the still stunned boy's shoulder. Their bodies fit together perfectly like puzzle pieces as Kagami's hands intertwined with Kou's blonde locks.

Their touching reunion was cut short as a sharp tug that pulled the ravenette away from the blonde.

He fell limply into the arms of the albino as he glared at Kou who was on the floor, a sobbing mess.

Kagami felt his heart throb as he tried to but couldn't stop his eyes from hazing over as he began his usual mirroring routine.

Even after seeing Kou again, it's too late, it's a habit...

It's him now, he can no longer be a person of her own...

At this realization, a tear trickled down his face as he slapped the albino's hands away violently.

"Che! What was that for! Don't touch me!" he hissed at the equally pissed male.

"Get a room next time!" Subaru seethed as his fist collided with yet another poor wall. A pink colour rose to his face as he spewed those rather embarrassing words.

A similarly pink blush tinted the ravenette's pink cheek as he shoved Subaru's frame away from his own.

He turned back to the blonde only to find him sitting on the floor watching his previous exchange, as did the brothers behind him.

"Jeez Kou, don't stare. It's rude!" He pouted childishly, a cyan hue clouding his eyes.

Kou said nothing as his right eye turned a bright magenta.

In a flash that colour dissipated and his eyes widened. He squinted and his eyes flashed with red once again as he clenched his fist in frustration.

Curiosity was now written all over Kagami's face as he tilted his head like a puppy.

Kou's face contorted into a calm smile, perfectly masking his frustrations as he stood from the floor, brushing off invisible dust. "Nothing to wory about, Idol-chii~" he gave the ravenette a wink and he snickered.

"Oi, Kou, who's the chick?" A low voice grumbled as Kagami glanced behind the blonde's figure.

A man with chestnut brown hair up in a loose bun stood near the front door. Beside him were two other males, a man with ashy hair and a book in his hand as well as a boy covered in bandages.

The latter's eyes seemed to light up as he saw the glinting hilt of the boy's rosary blade protruding out from under his form fitting blouse. He pointed at the metal object, prompting the male to unveil it's razor sharp blade.

A swampy green flooded Kagami's eyes as he smiled softly at the dagger resting in his palms.

"" he asked softly to which the male returned with a slow nod. He silently produced a simple looking knife from his trouser pockets and stared at the gleaming blade. "Azusa." A stern but unbothered voice rang out as the pair's eyes met that of the man who was gripping onto a book.

The man named Azusa stepped back and hid away his blade as Kagami returned it to his belt.

Reiji huffed at the scene before him before signaling the others to follow him outside where two limos waited. Kou blew a kiss at the smiling blackette before hopping into the second limo, the males he arrived with followed suit before the car set off.

"Kagami-san..." A soft voice made pink and blue clash as Yui stared into the older male's eyes.

He gave the girl a nod before stepping into the other limo, behind Yui.

During the ride, all was silent except for two of the triplets bugging the blonde girl sitting beside Kagami. Glancing to his left, he saw the eldest with ear buds blocking out the ruckus his younger brothers were creating as his closed lids covered his eyes that practically mirrored the bluenette's own.

He pulled off the black jacket that hung loosely on the boy's slumped shoulders and draped over himself, earning nothing more than a soft sigh.

He pulled headphones of his own out of seemingly nowhere and plugged it into his suddenly existant phone.

He plugged a small box into his phone's audio jack before inserting his headphone's plug into one of the two holes of the box. He then did the dangerous action of unplugging Shu's ear buds, only to shut his oncoming grumbling up with the music on his phone that traveled through both ear pieces.

His slightly open lids shut again as he seemed content with the mix of classical music and rock that eminated from the young man's phone.

As the black car pulled up at the front gate of the school, fans of the brothers could already be heard. The rough outlines of girls holding posters and signs lined the pathway into the building. As a multitude of the brothers heaved annoyed sighs, Yui's presence seemed smaller than ever as she shrunk further down into her seat.

One by one the brothers exited the limo as the girls began screeching louder.

The blackete glossed over Yui with pink glazed eyes before tugging her wrist and giving her a reassuring smile.

They left the black car and the screams of joy became mumbles and insults hurled at the shivering blonde. But soon enough the crowd picked up on the blackette beside the girl and cheers began resurfacing.

"He looks so hot!" "Is he new?!" "I wanna touch that shiny black hair!" "His complexion is so smooth!!!" "THOSE CHEEKBONES THO!" the compliments swamped the boy as he stood unfazed by the barage of compliments as he became known as...

The new boy

The Shattered Mirror[Diabolik Lovers X Male OC] Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz