Sakamaki Manor

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As the limo silently peeled of the driveway Chiba sighed, recalling the boy's fake smile.

It seems even though he knows fully well I see right through that smile, he still shows it to me... I've looked in the mirror before, I know my own smile when I see it...he's never really smiled before, he's only ever mirrored mine...

I hope the day comes when I can see his real smile...from himself and no one else...

I turned around, noticing the presence of my older, silver crowned apprentice.

3rd person POV:

From the moment the black haired male stepped into the black car, the driver began wincing at the foul smell the resonated from the back seat.

The boy's eyes flickered up, casting a glance at the familiar's shadowy form.
A shadow glossed over his left eye before fading out.

"I apologise for the smell, I don't usually take notice of it since I am almost never around nether world creatures." he spoke in a tone unlike her own.

The familiar seemed to let out a silent gasp at the unexpected courtesy but soon regained his composure, "No need to apologise sir, I apologise for my rude actions."

As they drove off, not a single word was uttered until their arrival at the gothic mansion.

"Until we meet again sir." The shadowy familiar muttered as Kagami nodded to the rear view mirror before exiting the limo that soon drove into the distance.

Lifting his small luggage, he retracted it's handle and slung it over his shoulder, holding it by the collar. He stepped through the gates nonchalantly, his ususal blank face plastered on.

He was unfazed by the main door's sheer size and instead firmly knocked on the towering structure. No answer. He knocked again only to have the door creak open.

Immediately sensing the trap set, he simply stood his ground. Staring into the black abyss through the sliver of the door that was open.

An annoyed sigh and grumble confirmed his suspicious about the trap as an emerald eyed individual slammed open the doors.

"Oi! What's taking you so long to be taken by Ore-sama!?" He demanded.

  The obviously pissed off male raised his chin to look down at the male who's height was the slightest bit taller than his own. He growled and gripped the edge off the door as it groaned and threatened to crumble into dust in his hand.

The ravenette's eyes seemed to glow a bloody red which confused the seething boy but did not stop him from pulling his bony arms and throwing him against the wall inside the gloomy manor.

He nestled his face in the crook of his neck before muttering, "This is your punishment for annoying Ore-sama."

Baring his pearly fangs, his head lowered at a painfully slow speed. As though trying to cause the boy the most despair and fear.

However, 'trying' is the keyword in the sentence above. His head jerked back as a pricing pain emanated from the skin above his collar bone.

He hissed in pain and tore away from the seemingly defenseless male, only to find that he had a pair of fangs of his own, and that he had stabbed them into his neck before he could do it to the taller male. The metallic taste of blood filled the ravenette's mouth as he glared at the boy who was gripping his shoulder in pain.

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