Looks must run in our family

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Yui turned to the surprisingly unfazed Kagami.

She tugged on Kagami's-or rather Shu's jacket. Kagami didn't respond, he only pulled Yui into a hug, his face as stoic as ever and whispered rather loudly, and unconvincingly might I add, "Imouto-chan...I'm nervous...so many eyes..."

"IMOUTO!?!" "SO SHE'S HIS SISTER?!" "YIKES, WE BETTER NOT GET ON THEIR BAD SIDE BY SLUT SHAMING YUI!" "AGREED!" Those among many other exclamations were made. Well maybe not all of them but that's exactly what happened.

Yui wasn't bullied anymore, just ignored, but to be honest she was content.

Anyways, after safely approaching the school building, the pair split. Kagami headed for the office and Yui, the classroom.

He got the schedule from the rather scantily clad lady as the lady fluttered her eyelashes that were coated in a clumpy mascara before waving the boy off.

Glancing at his schedule, he noted who was in which class and that his classes were as shown:

Japanese-student teacher(Subaru)

Math-advanced(Shu, Ruki)

English-student teacher(Laito)

Reccess (random)


History-basic(Yui, Ayato, Kanato)

Music-student teacher(Shu, Kou)

PE(Ayato, Subaru, Kou, Yuma)


He sighed as he walked down the hallway, shoving the piece of paper into his jeans, headed to his first class.

As he entered the Japanese classroom, he caught the eyes of all in the class, one being an albino he was all too familiar with.

"Ohhh! Kagami-kun! There you are!" A brunette standing behind the teachers desk gestured to the ravenette. Kagami stepped quickly to the assumed teacher, a smile gracing his features as his eyes radiated a neon yellow.

He turned to the class as his eyes seemed to flip the neon colour on it's head, eminating a dark purple.

"Yoroshiku..." he gave a nod, his hair falling further over his face, earning squeals from the girls of the class.

"Now! Does anyone have questions for your new senpai~!?" The childlike brunette yelled, overly enthusiastic.

Immediately, hands shot up around the classroom, most of them belonging to girls. The teacher randomly pointed to a teal haired girl. "Are you single ?" The girls around her giggled, her face growing a bright scarlet. Kagami let out a deep chuckle, shaking his head yes in answer to the girl's question.

The girl with the red face had her nose drip a similarly red liquid, making Subaru who sat three seats behind her, turn to the window beside him with a scowl. After a few more equally intrusive questions, class commenced.

TIMUUUUU SKIPUUUUUUUUUUU~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!

Leaving behind Subaru's classroom, the blackette headed to the next class, finally being able to participate in it as a student.

Seconds after the bell ringing, Ruki looked up from his Death Note catching a glimpse of the male who had been in the mannor earlier, settle down in the empty seat behind him. He glanced back to his book, fully expecting the boy to beg for his attention. However, he was shunned by his silence.

He narrowed his eyes, about to turn to the male until the teacher walked in, disrupting his plans.

Reluctantly shutting his book, he took out a notebook and began jotting down the formula on the blackboard.

About half an hour into the class, Ruki began noticing shallow breaths coming from the male behind him.

Glancing over his shoulder, he noticed his head against the window pane, his long eyelashes reflecting the dim moonlight as his pale lips were slightly parted.

"Sakamaki-kun! I will not tolerate this behaviour!" The teacher seemed to realise Kagami's little nap time as he growled at the ravenette.

He roused from his slumber and awoke as crisp as though he were fully awake the whole time.

The balding male teacher smashed the chalk into the board, signaling for the younger male to solve the seemingly complex equation.

The boy strolled to the board, snatched the chalk and began scribbling something down.

The equation was solved. And next to the answer was a sentence that read, 'I'm in advanced class for a reason, don't waste my time with such simplistic questions.' As the teacher finally processed what the sentence said, he glared at the boy, only to find him staring back with a purple hue in his icy eyes.

He stumbled backwards and dismissed the boy, the ravenette's only reply being him sitting back in his seat and dozing off yet again. This time however, he remained undisturbed till the bell rang, making his eyes snap open as he left the class.

Strolling out with his bag over his shoulder, the male made his way to his next class, English.

He entered the room that was strangely dim and had a saxophone solo eminating from what could be imagined as a laptop under the pound of stickers with rather, suggestive themes.

A look of uncharacteristic disgust washed over the tall boy's face before he stoically faced the voluptuous woman behind the shtick.

She fluttered her mascara dunked lashes and pouted her lipstick coated lips as the dim lighting helped to hide the pounds of foundation and blush caked onto her clownish face.

Giggling, she strolled towards the female, swinging her hips seductively. Her red stilettos could be heard clacking across the room before she paused, unbearably close, face inches from her fellow female co-worker.

"Well, well~ what do we have here?" She scanned the younger male.

She placed a finger adjourned with her fake stiletto nails and acrylic jewels under the boy's chin,"Ara ara~" turning the unresponsive male's head to the side.

"I honestly didn't expect such a hottie when I got informed of a Kagami joining our class~~~" She sighed.

"Hmm~ Laitoo~~ you may have some competition with Kaga-kun~" she turned to the fedora wearing male and sent a wink.

The male lifted said hat and gave a flirtatious smirk.

"Of course, looks must run in our family~"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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