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JUST TO BE CLEAR. Pidge,Hunk,Shiro And Allura knows Lance is Bisexual. But ONLY Pidge knows Keith is gay. Okie back to the story

Keith's P.O.V
I quickly walk up the stairs heading straight to the bathroom. I locked the door so no one can come in. "WHAT THE HELL KEITH?! Why can't u relax! It was just a freaking game! Why did I have to fall so hard for somebody that fast?!" I need to calm down, I washed my face with cold water and look at my reflection from the mirror. "U can do this Keith. Its just Lance for God sakes." As soon as I was about to unlock the door, I heard a knock. "Keith, buddy, ur okay in there? Everyone's worry and it's been like 9 mins and u haven't came down yet" It was Lance. GOD DAMN IT, IT WAS LANCE. "oH um I'm okay thank you! Um I'll be there in a minute, tell them I'm okay." I stood still as possible trying not to make a sound hoping I hear footsteps fainting away from the bathroom door. But I was wrong. "Alright well I'm going to be waiting out here until u come out." Even if I couldn't see Lance, I knew he had a huge smirk on his face. "Then I'm not coming out." I crossed my arms already annoyed by what Lance is trying to do. "Is it because ur gonna blush again like last time?" Thats when my eyes went wide and I felt my cheeks burning up, I heard Lance chuckled, I finally open the door which made Lance jump a little, "was it that obvious?" I said walking out of the bathroom looking at the ground totally embarrassed, Lance put one of his hands on my shoulder, "yes, well for me. But we should really get back to the game" I nodded and walked down the stairs while Lance was following right behind me. So wait, does this mean Lance knows I sorta kinda have a crush on him?!....I doubt it, he's to oblivious to know when someone likes him. And I don't plan on telling him any time sooner.

NoOnes P.O.V
Keith and Lance finally walked into the living room. Lance was just smiling sheepishly while Keith had blush covering his face.

"Keith are u alright? U been in the bathroom for quite awhile and we had to sent Lance to check up on u." Shiro put a hand on Keith shoulder waiting for him to respond.

"Me? Pfft yeah I'm fine! I'm absolutely great. No need to worry. Lets get back to the game." Keith walked to where they were last playing truth or dare and sat down criss-crossed on the floor. Everyone else joined him. But then Lance just had to sit right next to him.

"Uh-why u choose to sit right next to me?" Keith finally spoke up and looked at Lance, but regretted it immediately.

"To have better look at the beautiful view right in front of me." Lance winked and of course that made Keith blush bright red but he just groan and rolled his eyes.

"Keith u haven't answer the question I gave u last time before u ran off because of Lance" Pidge said sitting across from Keith looking kind of impatient.

"It was NOT because of Lance!" Keith huffed and crossed his arms looking away. "Can't u just answer the god damn question Keith, it's really not a big deal. I'll show u, my crush is on shiro. There, easy!" Shiro looked like he just saw ghost. "We all knew that Allura." Pidge rolled her eyes but then let out a small laugh when she saw shiro in shock of what he just heard.

"It is NOT that easy. U just have the confidence! I mean what if they don't even feel the same way."

"Ooooh so this person is in this same room? Interesting." Lance smirked nudging Keith arms with his elbow. At this moment Keith realized what he said and he knew he fucked up. So he didn't even bother to protest because it was already to late. He just groan and looked at the ground feeling defeated.

"OKAY IM HEADING TO THE KITCHEN, this is to much, first Allura literally said to my face she LIKES ME WITHOUT HESITATION, now Keith likes someone in this SAME ROOM. Nope. Nope. NOPE." Shiro just walked outta of the living room with both of his hands on each side of his face while repeating 'nope'.

When Shiro left, all eyes turned to Keith, who has his hands covering his face. It got quiet for a good 20 seconds until....

"So, whos the guy?" Pidge let out a quick gasp and covered her mouth as soon as she realized what she said but it was to late. "PIDGE!!!" Keith screamed already knowing that everyone in the room heard what Pidge has said. "Sorry" Pidge mumbled still with her hand over her mouth. But then she let her hand dropped to her side and crossed her arms "but people had to know EVENTUALLY KEITH." "Yeah...I know..." Keith mumbled.

"Well I had a feeling u were gay but it doesn't matter." Hunk said while smiling. "I don't care! That doesn't change u in any way, u r still Keith." Allura said while hugging Keith really tight but then eventually she let go. Keith smiled, he was glad his friends supported him for who he was.

Then everyone turn their eyes to Lance waiting for a reaction. But all they saw his him with his mouth open and his eyes looked in shocked.
"Hunk go get that ice cold water again." Pidge sighs as she tries snapping Lance out of his day dreams. Hunk nodded and headed to the kitchen.

"I GOT IT!" Hunk came back 1 minute later running into the living room with a bowl of ice cold water with ice cubes. "MOVE IDIOTS" Hunk screamed. Then he dumped all the cold water on Lance face which startled Lance so bad it made him scream and fall backwards. "OOF" Keith giggled. Holy shit he fucking giggles. Lance admired Keith for a moment but then snapped out of it when he remembered he's freezing cold and his clothes is all soaking wet. He stands up quickly, "HUNK BRO WHAT THE HELL?!" Lance squeezed his shirt to let out water on the floor. His hair is all wet. It just looked like he just got out of the shower with his clothes still on. Everyone just laughed historically. Lance just glared at them. "Whatever I'm going upstairs to Pidge's room to change. Thankfully I have extra clothes in my backpack." Lance went his way upstairs still having a frown on his face from what happen.


"O....Kay....that's too much information for my comfort...." Keith chuckled while Hunk just looked creeped out and scared. "Now I know I won't be able to sleep tonight" Hunk complained. Pidge just laughed.

It was quiet for a couple of seconds until Hunk, Pidge, Keith and Allura heard Lance scream from upstairs. "GUYS I FORGOT MY BACKPACK CAN SOMEONE BRING IT UP FOR ME? KAY THANKS" Lance slammed the door shut as soon as he finish his sentence.

Everyone looked Keith right away with a big grin.
"Fuck." Keith mumbled. He didn't even have time to protest because by the time he was about to speak. Allura shoved Lance backpack right into Keith's arms and pushed him towards the stairs. "Go get him tiger!" Hunk said putting a fist up in the air. "HUNK, I'm just giving him his backpack Jesus!" Keith went walking upstairs feeling his cheeks heat up, he was panicking on the inside.

"God, I swear if he's only in his boxers, I'm gonna have a mental breakdown..."

Authors Comment:
HAIWO, Told u this chapter will be quite long 🙃 I'll update probably the next day or two. Anyways see u guys! 💙❤️💚💛🖤💖

Words Count: 1,369

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