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No Ones P.O.V
Pidge and Allura tried to contain themselves from laughing when they saw who the bottle landed on
And that person is, Keith. (*Inserts Dramatic Music*)
Keith just stood there, shocked, blushing like crazy, heck, he can be a human tomato by now. While Lance, well, let's just say he was smiling widely.
"KISS GOD DAMN IT." Pidge was grinning so wide, that u would be terrified when u wake up in the middle of night and see that. "um-Shiro u can go!" Keith insisted, Shiro replied by shaking his head signaling 'nope'.
"I swear if they don't do it in the next 10 seconds, I'm going to force them and smash their face into each other." Allura mumbled, but loud enough for Hunk
to hear which made him chuckled. "Guys u better hurry before Allura forces u." Hunk warned the two boys. At this point, Lance turned to face Keith, they were now facing face to face, Lance leaned forward enough that Keith's lips were just a few inches apart from his. U can hear Pidge and Hunk chanting 'KISS KISS KISS' in the background.

Lance P.O.V
Alright Lance, u can do this, just lean in and kiss the boy! I started to panic and just stood there staring at Keith, I can tell he was blushing which was obviously adorable. All of sudden Keith started to lean forward?! Soon our lips crashed into each other, we're kissing, OH MY FUCKING GOD WE'RE KISSING. I hear everyone screaming like fan girls in the background. This kiss isn't like any other kiss. Woah. I fallen hArD for this guy..

No Ones P.O.V
"IT HAPPEN, IT FUCKING HAPPEN, SHIRO, HUNK, U OWE ME $15, PAY NOW" Pidge stood up putting her hand out waiting to receive the money, Shiro rolled his eyes, Hunk sigh in defeat, both pulling out their wallets to give Pidge her deal. Keith and Lance separated, both out of air. "Wow" Lance chuckled, "Ahem, sorry to interrupt u guys making out but r u guys a thing now or WhAt?" Allura smirked, hoping for the correct answer. "Uhh-I don't-" before Keith finished his sentence Lance kissed him, Keith soon kissed back melting into it. Lance leaned back and smiled "yep!"
Hunk came towards them, giving them a gentle hug,
"I think we should all order pizza to celebrate!" Lance laughed, "buddy, r u crying??"
"What?!-no something just got in my eyes that's all"

"Well who's gonna pay for the damn pizza?" Pidge said, everyone faced her, making a face that's saying 'really?' Pidge got the clue and looked down at the money Shiro and Hunk gave her. "HELL NO, IM SAVING THIS MONEY FOR A FUCKING NINTENDO SWITCH. Shiro u pay" Shiro shakes his head, "no Pidge I literally just gave u $15"
Hunk stood up, "guys guys, it's okay, I'll pay! My treat." Keith gave a soft smile at Hunk, "seriously, how can someone be this nice?" Everyone chuckled at the statement.

Authors Comment:
Hello! This is such a late update and I'm sorry, I won't update late hopefully for now. But OOF thank u guys so much for 100 Views! 🙃❤️💙💚💛🖤💖

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