Chapter 5

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*** HAHA so yes I'm posting another chapter even though I told myself I wouldn't and that I'd start actually spacing out my chapters. Why, you ask? Bc I've lost all control over my life :D
Also bc I'm eager to get this story rolling my dudes. ROLLING. Especially bc when classes start up again I won't be able to post as often.
Ok sorry it's late and i am very tired and I'm going to shut up now***

Chapter 5

At sunset, the crew members on the unmarked, suspicious-looking sailor vessel began to untie from the dock and raise the sails.

Aveline and Ari met by the harbor just as the sky blended into pink. Her feet were bare and covered in sand. He smelled of flour and wheat cake.

"Here. It's chocolate-raisin," he said solemnly, handing her a wrapped loaf of bread. She wordlessly traded it for a broken sand dollar and a small bag of silvers.

Ari's mouth twitched. "I suppose now I don't feel as badly for stealing those candlesticks from the palace."

"Actually, you should, because I sold my necklace for this."

He glared. "Who would pay an entire bag of silvers for a cheap necklace?"
Aveline lifted a shoulder, and then dropped it. "Someone who thought it was genuine pearl?"

"Ah." Ari chuckled and gracefully lifted her onto the loading ramp.

The horizon was already beginning to wither into violet as the ship pushed off of the shore.

On board, it was a regular evening like any other; not very quiet, people without shoes scurrying along the deck and sweeping floors, raising masts, and cleaning dishes.

Dinner was vegetable broth and Aveline's loaf of bread. The Captain and his First Mate discussed logistics with the crew as they sat cross-legged on the top deck.

"The palace needs dirty work done," Ari announced resignedly, pulling his knees into his chest.

"How long will this errand take?" Inez questioned, raising her wooden bowl to her lips.

"It's difficult to tell for sure," he replied. "But Aveline and I think that we should at least consider it. Those stuffy royals are going to pay us. They've more than enough money, God knows."

"I dunno, sir. We never worked for anyun' before," Another crewmember said doubtfully.

"We do jobs for Lords all the time," Aveline pointed out from her reclined position on the floor. "How is this any different?"
"'Haps because we'd be working for the Queen?"
"Point taken," she admitted and looked to Ari, crossing her legs at the ankle. "I believe both sides have a compelling argument. Captain?"
Bristling slightly, Ari climbed to his feet and brushed his hands together.

"Your first mate and I have already made a decision," he declared testily, his features straightening into an impressive glower that abruptly silenced his crew. "However," he added, "simply to spare your piteous egos, we may settle a vote. All in favor?" His voice was soft and serene, but it somehow sounded like a threat as he flashed a frightening grin, baring pearly-white teeth like they were fangs.

It was unanimous.

Ari clapped his hands together, dark eyes glittering predatorily. "Perfect. You are dismissed."

Without another word, his crew obediently hurried away, filing off one by one. Their scattered steps followed them below deck or across the ship as they scrambled to finish their assigned tasks.

As soon as they left, Aveline exasperatedly buried her head in her hands. "Why, Ari?"

"What? I'm expected to keep them in line," Ari protested. "A few unspoken threats go a long way." He was right, and he knew it, and he knew she knew it. Or something like that.

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