Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Ari, Jamie, and Lyla burst out of the lighthouse just seconds before their pursuers.

"Where are Eli and Aveline?" Lyla cried, glancing over her shoulder; the two were absent.

"We need to hide." Ari dove behind a nearby hedge, followed after by Jamie and Lyla. They crouched behind the clean-cut greenery, and Ari moved his head away from one of the thorns on a rosebush. "I'm sure they'll come out soon," he continued confidently, peering through the leaves at the yellow light emanating from the entrance of the lighthouse.
There was no way in hell Aveline would let herself be caught; Ari had seen her escape situations far worse.

The Apreunian guards halted at the edge of the lighthouse, their frustrated shouts gradually blurring out.

Ari tugged out his radio again; pulling up the antennae. "Inez?" He whispered, vaguely aware of Lyla and Jamie's bewildered stares.

"Captain," crackled out Inez. "Where are you?"

"You can talk to her on that thing?!" Lyla screeched, then quickly clapped a hand over her mouth.

"Meet us by the rocks. We were chased out," Ari informed Inez. "I'll explain more later."

"Hurry! There's something-"

But Inez's muffled voice subsided as Ari shoved the radio back into his jacket, catching sight of two familiar figures sneaking out the side door. He popped his head over the hedge, waving his arm.

"There they are!"
Aveline and Eli hurried over to them, their cheeks stained pink from running. Aveline's hair was slightly mussed.

"Inez?" She questioned breathlessly.

"She's waiting for us with the ship. Let's go."

As soon as Ari was sure they weren't being followed, they made their way back down the island the way they came.

"So," Lyla spoke up. "Ari, where'd you get that contraption in your pocket? Is it magic?"

"You mean this?" Ari chuckled, pulling out his radio. "I don't think so. They're solar powered, I think. I found it a few years ago while looting through someone's rubbish. They come in pairs— Inez has the other one. You you press a button and talk to the other person on it."
"I've never heard of anything like that."

"I could likely sell them to someone to take them apart, see how they work— and for my weight in gold, too. But they're too useful."

Jamie's bright eyes landed curiously on him. "I wonder where it came from."

Aveline cleared her throat. "So, I suppose we have to figure a new strategy with the royals."

"The Queen isn't going to help us." Lyla's voice was faint. "Perhaps, if I hadn't run away in the first place-"

Aveline patted her shoulder. "You didn't have any reason to think the court would turn on you."

"Of course it's not your fault, Lyla," Jamie said grimly, "but now how are we going to save Ben and everyone without the Queen's assistance? We're going to have to do it alone."

"There's still a chance the Queen could help us. I talked to the crown prince-"

"Lyla, he's a child. He's unreliable, at best, and a lot less likely to believe your words once the Viscount tells the entire palace court that you're a traitor. In fact," her voice rose, "I'm sure he'll quickly find a way to blame this entire mess on us. We're all now going to be likely suspects in the kidnapping, and therefore, fugitives to the law."

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