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So. We've reached the end, finally.

To everyone who's stuck with me this whole time, WOW. I cannot thank you enough!! I know Kings and Thieves was (and continues to be) far from perfect, but YOU, my lovely readers, have managed to overlook those flaws and bear with me on this journey!! I hope it has been as rewarding for you as it has been for me.

I've been writing for a LONG time, but this book is the first completed novel that I have ever finished all the way through. It's quite a milestone for me, and I could not have done it without you!!

With that being said, Kings and Thieves is far from over!! I am currently working on a sequel and can say with a surety that it is going to be exciting!! There will be some new characters (as well as our old favorites, of course) and more fun adventures for Aveline, Ari, and Lyla, as well as some game-changing twists— because who doesn't love those ;) I also can say for a certainty that Jamie, Eli, Tristran, Ben, Simon, and more will be returning in the second!
Right now my plan for the sequel is to pick up just a few months after the ending of Book One, starting with Ari, Aveline, and Lyla's new life in Apreuna. Currently I have no more news about where that stands, but for now I'm going to see how far my first book takes me and go from there.

Again, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this adventure because I most certainly did!! Feel free to message me anytime if you have any questions/comments about the book or if you just want to chat! I'm actually going out of the country this week, so I'm not sure how I'm going to be with wifi, but hopefully I'll be fine. Anyway, beyond that I'm going to stay active on Wattpad and I'll be sticking around for a while. Love and thank you all!

<3 Bridget

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