Chapter 4: First Day

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Y/n and Adrain were able to find a small apartment to live in. Even if they didn't need to sleep as much as the average human, they used it more as a place to keep clean and not smell like the butcher shop. Getting dressed Adrain wasn't sure about going or what to wear. Y/n helped him with his picking out clothes. While they got dressed in separate bedrooms they noticed the bracelets on their wrist. Both dress they went up to the school, after applying the special cream under their noses. They realizing that they aren't trusted. It didn't bother Y/n as much as it did Adrain. Making their way up to the school, Death had them in the E.A.T class. After Adrain's performance at the school it made since.

"Sorry about dragging you into this Adrain," Y/n muttered. "But if I can get into a academy like this I can continue trying to make this world better. Your a weapon right?"

"Yeah. A sword or a whip," Adrain answered.

"Whip?" Y/n asked. "Hm.."


"Nothing, it's just that was what may last weapons were," Y/n answered.

Adrain nodded. He may not have shown them that he had a whip weapon form, and he had his reasons. He didn't want Lord Death to know who he really was. After all, Adrain was much older than Y/n thought. Their was a reason why he tried to get a hold of Life's son Liu.

He wanted revenge after all those years. Years of pain and hiding is what Life and Death gave him and the other vampires. Bethany and Lyza where close to the same age as Adrain, which was old. Adrain thought of getting a hold of Kid as well. He wasn't planning on killing them, but rather changing them as revenge for all they did to him.

Making to the stairs, Y/n and Adrain glanced at each other.

"Race you to the top," Adrain suggested.

"Your on," Y/n smirked.

They both ran up the steps in a mere 8 to 10 seconds. Y/n was two seconds ahead of Adrain and chuckled to see him giving a pouty glare. Before they could go inside BlackStar stood in front of them.

"I declare a rematch," BlackStar spoke.

Adrain cocked his head towards Y/n wanting to know her answer to this.

"Well your not getting one, sorry. Now if you'll excuse us," Y/n smiled walking by.

Adrain followed much to BlackStars disapproval. While Adrain was turned he tried to get to him, only he met with Y/n holding his wrists. Granted, Y/n wasn't as strong as Adrain, but she wasn't weak either.

"I suggest you back off before you embarrass yourself," Y/n whispered to him.

BlackStar glared at her before declaring a duel after school. Y/n only shook her head before searching of the death room with Adrain. It didn't take long for them to find it. Walking in they got the papers needed but before they could leave, Lord Death introduction them to two other new students. Lyza and Bethany. Y/n restraint herself from ripping their heads off right their and then. Adrain did too. When the four left, Lyza wrapped her arms around one of Adrain's arms.

"I'm so happy that we'll be in the same classes," She smiled.

Y/n gritted her teeth and grabbed Adrain's arm, dragging him away from them. Going to their first class with Lyza and Bethany behind them. Stein wanting to see how good the new students were so..

"As you guys should know we have four new students joining this class. Now, I want to see how strong you guys actually are, so attack me," Stein smile.

Lyza sighed before turning into her weapon form. Bethany twirled Lyza's glowing form before turning her body slightly, with Lyza's blade pointed downwards. Y/n and Adrain noticed she was a scythe. Many people did gasp a at that. Adrain shifted into the red sword they all saw when he first came.

Y/n looked over at Lyza and Bethany to see them looking back at her nodding. Y/n went at him, like she was going to attack. Her eyes were staring at his chest to make it seem like she would strike their. Stein went to block, but Y/n slid past him. He turned to block any attempts of a attack y/n may have planned, but he found she was in stance.

Bethany swung her weapon Stein gripped the handle of her weapon to stop it from hitting him. Y/n pointing her sword to his torso to wear the point only touched him. Stein pulled Bethany, along with her weapon forward, causing her to crash down on Y/n. He pushed his chair back a bit as he watched them carefully. Bethany stood up and turned to Stein. Y/n stood up and whispered into Bethany's ear.

"I'll Immobilize him," was all Y/n said.

Bethany nodded and stood back. Y/n went forward again, but this time she attacked.

"Adrain, now," Y/n muttered out.

Sliding to the right, Adrain turned into a whip. With a flick of her wrist the whip wrapped around Stein and the chair he was on. Bethany held her scythe to wear if he moved his back would be cut.

"How did we do?" Bethany asked.

"Well with my current position and how I can sense the strong hatred towards each other, excellent," Stein answered.

Bethany remove The weapon and let Lyza turn back to her human form. Y/n did the same with Adrain.

Time Skip

BlackStar waited outside for them, but Y/n and Adrain didn't want to get caught up in a fight. So they ran out the door and down the stairs before BlackStar could stop them. Stoping by the butchers shop they went to their apartment. Relaxing and enjoying a cup of blood, Y/n and Adrain sat in silences. It wasn't long until someone came knocking. Adrain got up to answer the door to be greeted by Death the Kid and the others he faced when he came to get Y/n. Letting them in Y/n put the cup in the fridge for later. Washing her mouth she greeted them in the living room.

"Hey," Y/n smiled. "I never got your names."

"You seem happy and relaxed for someone who was locked up just yesterday," Maka points out.

"Well, Adrain and I are still locked here," Y/n smiled falsely, showing them the bracelet. "I get you don't trust us, and it's fine."

Time pasted and Kid and Maka kept a close eye on them as BlackStar kept asking for a fight. Bethany and Lyza left Death City on weekends to kill elsewhere.

A/n: Happy New Years.

In the picture above, Lyza's hair is supposed to be purple. Bethany's is red.


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