Chapter 5: Old Friends

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Days past by as Kid kept a close eye on Y/n and Adrain as Bethany and Lyza made friends with Maka and her resonance team. They were able to get close to Crona as well. Crona was actually the first one to be friends with Adrain and Y/n. Blair even became friends with them.

The weekend hit rather quickly and the two decided it would be a good idea to see Blair today. Y/n and Adrain stacked up on blood from the butcher as Lyza and Bethany went outside of town to get their blood. Not only was today going to be different, but Y/n was going to meet an old friend. Doing the daily routine, rubbing cream under their nose, a small cup of blood, and going to the fish store.

Adrain fried the fish and some of his own secret way to make it taste better for people. He couldn't eat it, it would taste like ash in his mouth. This just gave Y/n another reason to hate him. Food to vampires were ash. They could no longer taste the sweet taste of cakes or the tasty ice cream and pizza. Drinks were tasteless. It wasn't even water like it was just nothing.

Finishing the fishes, Adrain carefully placed it on a plate. Y/n put foil around it so the heat would stay. Heading out they both walked to Maka's apartment. Y/n knock three times, only to be greeted by BlackStar.

"Oh are you here to challenge me?" BlackStar asked.

"No, where is Blair?"

"Adray!" Blair's voice cheered.

Shoving BlackStar aside, Blair dragged Adrain in with Y/n following behind. Maka gave a distrustful look to the two vampires as Blair brought them in. They saw Crona with all but Liz, Patty, and Kid. They were not present, making Y/n question where he might be.

"You brought my food right?" Blair asked.

"Home made," Adrain smiled handing her the plate.

Blair beamed taking to foil off to see baked fish, shrimp, and chips.

"Oh yum!"

Blair ran off it I the other room to eat the food. Blair quickly rushed back to Adrain, jumping on his back with a fish in her mouth she muttered out a thank you.

"No problem Blair, but Y/n and I must be going."

"Aww why?" Blair whined.

"We are uninvited guests. Besides we have to get back to house," Adrain smirked. "It's someone's special day."

Y/n rolled her eyed to smack Adrain arm.

"I don't age so their I no need to celebrate my birthday. I can't eat any good food like an real human because food is like ash. So unless you find a way to make me human so I can have blue ice cream, cake, some food from my favorite restaurant, and drinks then forget celebrating," Y/n snapped.

Adrain put his hands up in surrender.

"Well I wasn't planning on stuffing up, but rather play a game of one on one and I know you used to love to basketball," he smirked.

"Yeah, that was with Liu and our weapon," Y/n mutter back.

"Oh please, I can be fun too," Adrain pouted.

Grabbing Y/n's arm he took her outside and to the house.

"Get dressed, I promise this will be worth your while," Adrain beamed.

Y/n sighed, deciding not to go argue with him.

Liu's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about Y/n. Her birthday is today and I can't be by her side enjoy a tub of our favorite ice cream all because of the pale face monster. Ever since that cold Demon changed her, I was not aloud to be by her side anymore. It was to dangerous according to my father. My father was Life, and Demi god like Death, only he brought life.

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