Chapter 8: Task Failed

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The very next morning Y/n ended up slipping out of Kids arms and dashed to her place to find Adrain with a cup of blood and towel around his neck. Must have taken a shower.

"Have fun with Kid last night?" Adrain smirked.

Y/n rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen to get her own cup.

"Come on. You know you and Liu are over. You and life. Now your started a new chapter. One with death," Adrain continued. "Walking hand in hand with death. Y/n, why not heal what Liu broke?"

Y/n turned with a blank expression.

"We just met about a week ago. I don't even know if I can fully trust him, though he may be considered a friend," Y/n explained lending on the counter.

Adrain smirked but nodded. Finishing the cups of blood Y/n took a quick shower and got dressed and reach for the day. Together they both headed out to the academy. Racing up the stairs and dashed to there first class. Once again, Y/n was first. Adrain was surprised that even in her few years she grew faster than him. She may not be as strong but she was close. As kids flies in Stein rolled in as always. Kid, Maka, Crona, and Blackstar sat nearly Y/n and Adrain with there weapons. Lyza and Bethany weren't present.

"Any idea where Beth and Lyza are?" Maka asked.

"Most likely out for a meal," Adrain answered.

"It'd be a miracle if they returned without any stains. They have been somewhat messy," Y/n muttered.

Of course the group didn't understand what they meant by that but they dropped it for now. Stein claimed he had to do something so they could talk quietly to one another.

"Last night was fun," Adrain smirked.

Maka cringed at last night. Blackstar turned red as the others snickered quietly.

"Hey, aren't you guys attempted to kill everyone here?" Maka asked changing the subject.

Y/n turned to Adrain signaling for him to answer.

"No. We have a special cream that cuts off our senes of smell. Of course it last up to twenty four hours. Now we'd be fine without it if Kid wasn't present," Adrain muttered.

"If I wasn't present?" Kid questioned.

"The scent of reaper or life's blood is kinda like a drug that everyone wants. To some vampires that's what it is. To me it's like candy I can't have. I crave for it," Adrain smirked. "Sweet and sour candy I can't have. Don't you agree Y/n?"

Y/n shrugged and leaned against the table staring at the door. He noticed and before he could ask they saw someone enter. Sid.

"Hello Stein. Death would like to see some of your students for a moment."

"Okay," Stein replied waving him off to take the students.

"Kid, Crona, Maka, Blackstar, and Y/n. You and your weapons need to go see Death," Sid stated.

The group made there way to deaths room. Adrain was a bit anxious. When they made it to Death, Kid asked why they were all called here.

"There has been a mass murder that has swiped out the village that Y/n and Adrain came from. Wether it's a kishin or vampire, I asked you all take care of it," Death instructed.

Adrian and Y/n glanced at one another before back at death.

"Could you maybe try and show us what the village looks like now?" Adrain asked.

Death shook his head, "I tried to see what may have caused it but all the windows and glass were destroyed and I wasn't able to see anything."

Adrain and Y/n grew paranoid hearing this. This couldn't have been done by a kishin. They wouldn't be smart enough to destroy the window for death to look threw. Vampires, however, would have done it if it meant death couldn't watch what they were doing. Death noticed how uneasy they where.

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