I Let Go

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⚠️ Trigger! mentions of suicide!⚠️

Alex's POV

It had been a year since Thomas broke up with me and i still could'nt get over him. During that year, i had made my way into depression and i had been drinking almost everyday. He was my everything. And now he was gone.

---Flashback 1 year ago---

"Thomas. Why is there a lugage bag at the door?"

"Alexander, i'm leaving." He looked at me from across the room where he was tightning his tie.

"W-why?" I asked, confused and worried.

"I-is it because of me? Did i do something wrong? If i d-did then i'm sorry!" Tears were starting to build up in my eyes as i stumbled upon my words.

"I'm so sorry Hamilton," Hamilton, he didnt say Alex, or Lexi. He used Hamilton. "But i just love someone else." I shook my head tears streaming down from my cheeks.

"Thomas! Please! I-i can change! Dont leave me! Please!" He started walking over to the door and i hept begging for him to stay.

'No nonono this cant be happening. But it was'

He closed the door and i sank down to my knees.

"Why? Why why why? What did i do?" I mumbled as i curled up into a ball and cried.

---End of Flashback---

I looked at the razor that was at the side of the sink. I took it and started cutting. Before this Thomas helped me. Now. Not one could stop me. I wrote down a few notes to my closest friends. I stood at the edge of the building. I looked down at the world.

'Gods i was gonna miss this place. But if i stay. I would miss Thomas.'

So i let go.

Ok so that was one way to start a Jamilton oneshot. Sorry but i love angst even if i cant write it well. But hey. I tried. Sorry if this sucks. Heh. Anyways its the 23rd of January. I just came back from the trip. Soooooooo will i have time to update? I have no idea. BUT. I do apologize for not updating my other story, i'm still writing the next chapter. its going to be longer i promise. ok Bye!

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