K babe~❤

404 7 26

I havent done fluff have i?

9:30 17/5/17
Alex and Thomas were happily married. Today, the couple was headed to a bar that was commonly known in thier neighbourhood. Alex had planned this for a while for Thomas to meet his life long friends. Laurens, Mulligan, and Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette. Thomas had surprisingly knew one of them witch was his cousin that he never got to visit that often. Alex's boyfriend opened up to the group fairly easily and they were all dancing the night away.

11:50 17/5/17
Alex had come out of the bathroom having to throw up for all his one-shot-too-manys. He stumbeled around drunkenly laughing and swishing his hips as he went. The boy gagged at Lafayette who was having a makeout session and instead made his way to his husband and bestfriend who was engagged in a particularly instresting subject none other then "Alex" himself. Alex joined in on the conversation and started bragging of all the amazing things he'd done even going to grabbing Thomas' hand, bowing low and saying
"There's a million things i haven't done, but just you wait"

11:32 18/5/17
Alexander had been woken by a horrible hangover making his way to the familiar bathroom to throw up. There in the hallway was his boyfriend chuckling before going to help his love. After he told Alexander to shower, he had brewed a cup of coffee for him. How can a couple be so perfect?

(No no. Its not done buddies)

A few months after and the pair had gotten more distant. Thomas had work to do when Alex didnt have work and vise-versa. So Alexander thought that it would be awsome to plan a nice simple dinner for the two since Thomas had told Alex his schedule was free on that day. Alex was supposed to work roday but he was willing to give it up for his boyfriend. Thomas said that he would be able to come home tonight and that got the little boy excited as he prepared everything for their dinner, make sure everything was perfect. He had spent two hours on it. The boy sat and waited for Thomas to come home.

7:30  20/8/17

Alex was so excited he was basically jumping in joy that his boyfriend and him got to finally enjoy a night. A dinner. A minute. An hour. All to themselves. Just the two of them. He looked back at the text message conversatiom between them
        Tommy Macaroni      

Heyyyy Tommyyy~

Yes baby?

I was thinking since we didnt
have time together that much
that you can come home
tonight? Early?

Oh sure cupcake!


K babe~❤
🎙(Type message here                           )

8:00 20/8/17
Alexander found it wierd how Thomas' last text was kinda flirty but he didnt care. He was so excited. He looked at the front door and waited for it to open.

8:10 20/8/17
Maybe Thomas was late. He was indeed a very busy man. Alex had absolutely no problem with it.

9:30 20/8/17
By now the candles on the table had melted and the food had gone cold.

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