Just Friends Pt.1

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This one's for AlexxHamilton

Prompt: "I'm not jealous."

Heh, sorry I took so long. But I'm back and in business, since now writing stories are my therapy. I'll be finishing up the series' that are unfinished here! :D 

WARNING : Just a little cursing her and there. :)

Merry Christmas! Enjoy :D


"Another day. Another lesson. Another Thomas Jefferson to annoy me. Honestly. Does he have nothing else to do? Like maybe read or some shit like that."

I looked down at my schedule, ignoring all the doodles of my face that Thomas decided to decorate the piece of paper with. I smiled a little bit, scanning through the lessons. It was nice to know someone noticed you though. I like Thomas...he's my best friend. But he's always sticking to me like glue, like a little lust puppy. Lust, not lost, yes that's what I said.

Today was different though, you see, a new transfer student by the name of John, was to enter our school today. I kicked my locker shut as I folded the small piece of paper that I checked. And made my way to business class. The sound of my footsteps echoing through the usual pact hall of my school sent shivers down my spine. It was a rare occasion when Thomas wasn't with me. No sound of his indistinctive chatter, his googly smile neither his bouncy hair which always got in the way of our pictures.

The class door squeaked as I slipped into the now silent room, the students obviously thinking I was their teacher. Everyone had once again started their mumbling after they had got a glance at who was at the door. Through the sight of squawking students, my eyes scanned across the room to the person I was looking for. I let my lips turn into a subtle smiled as I walked across the floor to greet the one and only, Thomas Jefferson.

Thomas stopped his frantic waving when I settled down in the seat next to him. Just as he began to speak, the whole class spun, once again, into utter silence. As Washington was at the cusp of entering the classroom, bringing with him a brown-haired, freckled, boy. After his introduction, we all had already known him. The transfer student, John, age 18, from South Carolina. I glanced to the side to see the glimmer in Thomas' eyes. A shimmer of curiosity. When the boy had been introduced to his seat, Thomas has insisted on him sitting right next to us, not surprising as Thomas was indeed very welcoming and if not, too welcoming and he was open about everything and everyone. A bright person who could always bring fun into anyone's day. 

As John had taken the empty seat beside me, I squinted my eyes the slightest bit when I turned over to meet John Laurens' eyes they were a pretty hazel-green with the most vibrant color of blue circling his iris. His freckles that covered most of his face, sprinkling across his sharp cheekbones. His hair, a messy fray of curls buzzing across the side of his head to his high ponytail. And I definitely notice the glimmer of mischief that decorated his eyes. I raised an eyebrow in uncertainty. There was something about this kid...something that didn't seem like I would associate myself with him. To stop my daydreaming, the boy had spoken and to my utter surprise, his voice had been at least an octave lower then what I expected.

"I assume you know who I am, so let's start with your name."

I fumbled over my words as I tried to analyze what he just asked me,

"Oh! Eh, Alexander! My name's Alexander Hamilton."

"Oh well Alexander, and where did you come from may I ask?"

I cringed a little on the inside when he purred my name

"I'm from the Carrabien and I would rather not discuss anything else as this lesson is about to start."

I spoke monotonously as I wanted to end this 'friendly' conversation with this man. I opened my notebook as Mr. Washington started talking and as I heard a muffled whisper of "feisty" from John.

As soon as classes had ended and Thomas and I were about to settle at our usual lunch table to have our food, John had mysteriously popped out of nowhere and interrupted our fun conversation about the anime My Hero Academia.

"Hey. Pretty boys. Mind if I sit here?" He asked with a wink.

I looked over at Thomas who had a sprinkle of blush over his face as I sighed exasperatedly while nodding my head to him.

"Sure." I groaned in slight dismay.

Well, at least Thomas looks excited.  While John had been telling us stories about him traveling from one place to another, and from his hometown back in South Carolina. Some of them were interesting and he had definitely caught Thomas and I by surprise. He had indeed visited so many more countries that I could even count. Honestly, it was insane. I expected he was pretty rich since all the places he had stayed at costed at least a little over 10, 000 dollars. And I knew that information because I myself have been fairly interested in the idea of traveling around the world. That is if I could ever afford it. 


"What the heck!" I screeched as Thomas jumped onto my bed, making my glasses fall off. 

"What do you want asshole." I was annoyed and just wanted to read my manga.

"Look, Alex, I, think I might have a little crush on John." He scrambled while fiddling his hair. I raised my eyebrow and thought for a while.

"Are you serious?" I looked at him, blinking rapidly. 


I started waving my hands frantically "Look, no no no, Thomas, listen, Thomas, you can't just- its- I just have this weird feeling about him an-"

"Oh come on Alex! I like him! So what? Just because your crush hated you doesn't mean I can't have a crush. That's your problem!" He brushed me off, rolling his eyes.

"How Dare you!" I pointed my finger at him, taken back by surprise "I just don't think that he's someone that-"

"Oh shut up!"

"I'm just trying to warn yo-"

"Stop being jealous! Just because I like someone else and spent time with someone other than you and your stupid cocksucking ass!''


"Whatever, I'm taking a walk." I stood up, took my jacket and made my way out. "And I am not jealous." I glared at him and slammed the door behind me.


~To Be Continued~

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