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Edit: in case you didnt know this is part 2 of "So i Lied"

Hi guys! Please leave comments and tell me what i can improve on my writing (cuz it sucks) and tell me whether you like it! Requests are also still open. Thx.

Yes i literally watched Doctor Strange for the 1st time and now i'm in love.
Alexander had always felt the warmth around the ones that he loved.

7 years ago

Alexander and Eliza were holding hands. It was their 3rd year together they we're making thier way towards the lovely tree atop the hill behind the highschool
"You love me right 'Liza?" Alexander questioned, looking towards his girlfriend with a smile.
"Such a stupid question from you, Alexander"
" So?" Alexander paused, "You haven't answered. Do you love me?"
"Yes Alex, I do" His smile grew wider. People had always thought that the child was just attention seeking and wanted all the compliments he could get from the ones he loves. But the truth was that he felt a certain warmth that he had missed so dearly when it was lost. The warmth from his mother who had passed Long before. His cousin who hanged himself for a certain reason no one knew of. His brother, long lost after the hurricane The warmth  he felt when he was with the ones he loved, the ones he adored...But not when they were gone. Remember the word.


1 week after the annivasary

" 'Liza!" Alexander tweeted sweetly as he entered the dorm that he a
and his 'love', as he refered Elizabeth to most of the time. He came home early today because he was missing the warmth way to much. So instead of doing overtime like a normal Alexander. He came home. " Love? Hello? " He placed his bag on the desk before making his way into the bedroom. Where he found a rather disheveld Eliza, covered in beads of sweat, clothes slightly wrinkeled. And it was fairly obvious that the girl was panting.
"A-alex! Honey! W-what are you doing here? Aren't you working overtime d-darling?" She had her hands shaking behind her back, taking one of them out time to time, to pull her hair behind her ear. There was a long held silence before Alexander had analyzed everything and figured multiple matters of how and why had his dear looked so flustered.
"Dearest, what happened?"
Elizabeth fiddeled with the hem of her dress. Alexander who was such an innocent little boy, waited obidently for an answer.
" I was cleaning the dorm right before you came back!" The girl exclaimed, showing a nervous smile to her lover. Alexander seemed ok with the answer, seeming his innocense about everything, it wasnt surprising. Eliza let out a soft sigh as Alexander turned around to leav-


A girl fell out of the closet half-dessed, apologetic a mess she looked pethetic. Elizabeth wrinkeled her brows in worry as Alexander looked between the girl in red, and the girl in blue. Not knowing what to say. The boy was stunned still. Speechless. But what he knew was that his lover had betrayed him. For another. Woman. Behind his back. At that moment, he tried to be sensible, try to not break down instantly.
"H-how l-"
"Honey! Let me explai-"
The girl looked down to the floor ashamed of she had done, she had broken the fragile trust of her lover. Alexander couldnt hold his emotions any longer and broke down in horrendous, heart-aching sobs. Falling onto the ground on his knees. And for that moment.  The only sound was his wreched sobs, echoing agaisnt the walls. Everything stood still. Nobody moved. And the warmth and comfort Alexander had...


Hiya! Yes, i know, i've not been updating. I'll try to finish the chapters as soon as possible. I think this will be a mini series. I like the concept here. Anyways. Please tell me what you think. I have tags that i may or may not do.

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