Tropical Mountains

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Read this b4 starting the story please!

I'm doing historical Hamilton, but Daveed is still playing Thomas. I'll describe both of them furthur into the story, since i want to tweek Thomas' appearance a 'lil bit ;). And to help those who don't actually know how Hamilton looks like irl.

▪°~Tropical Mountains~°▪

The rain poured outside Alexander's (kinda) house as he sat by the fireplace to keep himself warm. Being all alone on a mountain for months wasn't much fun. He held on to his hot chocolate as he wrapped himself in a thick blanket. Oh, how he wished someone would find him.

During early July, when the flowers were in full bloom, Alexander had planned to hike a famous Volcano located in the tropical prefecture of Lombok, Indonesia. No one usually appreaciates the mountains in southeast asia.

Sure there are some mountains people acknowledge, like the famous Mt. Fiji, but what about the other firing volcanoes that are left dormant after an explosion, sprouted with green vegetations to coat the land? The ring of fire! So Alexander obviously wanted to explore more than he knew; there was a million things he hasnt done, anyways.

It was 8 o'clock in the morning when the carrabien man started hiking with his guide, before this, he had breakfast at one of the village houses, a simple egg sandwitch and hot tea. He also had to settle his visit with other people at the reception just to see if or not he was fit for the journey, which also included the sentence : "Of course i'm damn fit enough, what the hell, are you trying to fight me?" (The receptionists got scared)

After everything was settled, he had finally be able to start his journey up the trail. The first few minutes was just walking through a little part of the village, Alexander enjoyed listening to his guide explain which plants were which, his voice was weirdly calming, Thomas, was his name, such a nice name. Thomas.

He was a sight to look at too. His hair was shaved on both sides of his head, a curl down the middle and tied into a braid. It traps your eye like a fly in a web. And in every angle you could catch a glimpse of such a defined jawline that looked like it could cut steel, his eyes like a pouring chocolate fountain, molten, chocolate with little specks of gold in it. And his skin, browned with the sun and of course it was his natural tone as well.

And here Alexander was, probably looked as different as Thomas as any human could possibly look.

His skin was snow white with little hints of peach poking through, dotted with light sun kissess on some places, his hair was bright red, it was curly and frizzy most of the time. Like it was now in his ponytail.

His eyes were a sharp violet colour with specks of gold, green, with a ring of gold around his pupil. He had a slight jawline but not as sharp as Thomas'. He most of the time didnt consider himself attractive, but many others thought otherwise.

The two men were arrogant as hell so they'd have a little bit of bickering as they hiked. Of course, not like that was a problem for Alexander, he said it before, and he'll say it again, he liked to hear Thomas' voice.

"Come on Alexander, theres just half an hour more to the camp site!" Thomas laughed

"Shut up!" The small man pouted "You're the one behind me you stupid asshole!"

"Thats because i have to be"

The carrabien huffed, "Well you do this everyday so fuck off"

Just like that he slipped and fell...


Into Thomas' arms. The taller man smiled as the other blushed but enjoying being in the other's embrace. They stayed like that for a while, looking at each other, unblinking, before someone behind them told them to move.

Once they had reached the campsite, Alexander sat down on a mat to enjoy the view of the mountain peaks. He was above the coulds and it looked magnificent; the kind of view you wouldn't normally get, it was straight out of a book.

Tomorrow he was heading to the submit then, head down the mountain. The tranquil enviornment was relaxing, the wind blew in Alexanders direction swaying his hair to the right and left.

After dinner, which was a hot vegtable soup, Alexander left to the comfort of his tent to pack for tomorrow.

In the middle of the night, Alexander woke up to the sound of Thunder. There wasnt supposed to be rain. The forecast said so.


Well shit.

So what did you guys think of this one? I think the writing was way better yeah?

Part 2??

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