Triggering Memories.

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A/n: Trigger Warning, kinda.

As the three of us walk through the door, Ethan comes out of his room.

"What the hell are you doing wearing long sleeves in 80 degree weather?" He asks.

"Umm I don't know, I'm kinda comfortable." I lie, Ethan examines me.

"Bugiardo." He says. A/n: Italian for liar. Me and Ethan would sometimes speak Italian after we learned it together, mostly for secret stuff, other times for fun.

"I am not." I say defensively. Jack comes out of his room.

"Prove it." Ethan simply argues.


"Go change your shirt. Make sure it's a T-shirt."

"Classic Ethan, always causing an argument." I narrow my eyes.

"I know when something is wrong, Twin sense, remember?" I sigh and go to my room to change. I put on a grey T-shirt that says Stranger Things. I then walk out with my arms at my side

"Please please don't notice them." I think.

"Why are you making a big deal Ethan?" I hear Jack ask as I walk out.

"I have a feeling something is wrong." Ethan replies.

"You seriously have that twin thing?" Mark asks.

"Yeah, she does too." They look over to me, I keep my hands in my pockets.

"See? I'm fine." I say taking my hands out of my pocket. I see Ethans eyes go to my arm.
He walks up to me and grabs my arms, he holds them up.


"What are these?" He asks with nothing but a serious expression.

"I uh.." I couldn't say anything. The others walk up to me, when they see the cuts they gasp, Amy puts a hand on her mouth, Mark had a look of concern and Jack had a mix of concern and shock.

"How old are they?" Jack asks.

"They're not fresh I swear! They're starting to fade a bit." I defend.

"Why would you do such a thing Skarlet?" Mark asks.

"I was going through a very dark time, you have to understand! Please don't hate me!" Tears start to prick my eyes. Suddenly they all hug me for a second.

"Of course we don't hate you!" Amy says as they get out of the hug.

"And we understand." Ethan and Mark say in unison.

"Just please don't do it again." Jack pleads. I give him another hug and break down. We both sit on the ground and he rubs my back.

"I'm gonna make her some tea." I hear Amy say.

"I'm really sorry Skarlet." Ethan says putting his hand on my shoulder.

"It's..not..your fault." I say in between sobs.

"It's mine." I add.

"Shh it's okay Skar. And it's not your fault at all." Jack whispers. I start to think about now, I have new friends, my brother, I'm starting a career, I'm actually getting my life back. I need to stop thinking about the past and him. I stop crying and sit up, I look at Jack's eyes again, just like the picnic, they always make me feel better somehow.

Jack's POV Finally!

I try to calm Skarlet down, she has been through so much, there are so many people in the world who go through similar problems. I can't help them personally, which kills me. I can help Skarlet though, I can help fix her, put her life back into place. She stops crying and looks at me, her eyes are red and puffy, but her sapphire orbs pop.

Honestly, my feelings have grown for this girl. I don't think I'm showing it very well, but I do. Amy comes over with a cup of tea and gives it to Skarlet.

"Thanks." She takes a sip. I grab her other hand and we stand up.

"I'm gonna go to my room for a bit." She says.

"Okay." I smile at her, she gives me a half smile and walks to her room.

"You know our birthday is coming up." Ethan says.

"It is?" I ask.

"Yeah! Our 22nd birthday is on October 24th! It's gonna be our first birthday together in a couple years." He smiles. This gives me an idea.

"I gotta get back to work. See ya guys." He says before walking into his room.

"Mark, Amy, I have an idea!" I say gainning some excitement.

"What?" Mark asks.

"We should throw a surprise party for Ethan and Skarlet." I lower my voice.

"That's a great idea!" Amy exclaims.

"But what should we do?" Mark asks. We start to throw out ideas and decide what to do.

Skarlet's POV

After sitting in my room for a while just drinking my tea and listening to some Twenty One Pilots, I decide to make another video. I can prove everything I said in my first video! But what if they notice my scars? Oh! Maybe I can cover them with some make-up! I run to my make-up bag and grab some foundation.

"This should work." I apply some on both my arms until I can't see the scars. Luckily it works perfectly! I walk out to see Jack, Mark, and Amy on the couch talking.

"Hey guys?" I call out, they all look at me.

"Oh hey Skar! Please tell us you haven't been standing there long." Jack says.

"No I just got here." I say suspicious.

"Oh okay, what's up?" Mark asks.

"I was just wondering if I can make a video showing that I wasn't lying about you guys."

"Sure!" They all say, I chuckle.

"Thanks!" I run to my room and grab my new camera, I then press record.

"Hello friends! It's Skarlet here! So I was looking through the comments for my first video and honestly, there were more hate comments than anything and it's unacceptable. First I would like to say thank you to all the nice commenters! You are very supportive! And second, to all the haters, I would not make something like that up, especially without evidence. So let me show you." I explain, I then walk out of my room and go into the livingroom.

"Hey guys!" I say to the three on the couch, they all look at the camera and say hey while waving.

"Here is your proof!" I say.

"Yeah we really are friends with Skarlet." Mark says.

"Where's Ethan?" I ask.

"He's recording." Jack replies, I smile a devilish smile.

"Oh no, she's on to something." Jack says, Amy starts to giggle.

"I'll be back." I say, then sneak into Ethan's recording room. I point the camera at my face and put a finger to my lips, I quickly point the camera at Ethan while he's recording FNAF Sister Location. A/n: You must not judge, I'm everywhere, but to be clear this takes place in 2017. I slowly walk up behind him and and get ready to scare him.

"That's uh..that's kinda weird." He says after having to shock the animatronics. Now's my chance. I grab his shoulders and shout "arghh!" Causing him to fall out of his chair, I start to laugh my ass off.

"Oh my Jesus Christ what was that?!" He yells. The other 3 come in and laugh when they see Ethan on the floor.

" the best thing...I've ever done!" I say in between laughs.

"Yeah yeah I guess I deserve that." He gets up, then he playfully pushes me.

"I'm sorry bro, just wanted to show my fans that you're really my twin brother, then I had the idea of that." I explain.

"Well sadly yes, she is my annoying twin sister." He teases.

"Oh please! You're the annoying one you jackass!" I laugh, at this point Jack and Mark are on the floor laughing while Amy is still standing while laughing.
This is what I'm trying to focus on..

My happiness.

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