Birthday Fun And..Whoa!

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Jack's POV

Today's the day! It's Ethan and Skarlet's birthday! We have everything planned out, let's just hope it works. I get out of bed and rush to get dressed. I stub my toe on the edge of the bed somehow.

"Ow! Fookin hell!" I yell out, I hear a laugh from outside of my room, I walk to the door and open it to reveal Skarlet.

"You okay?" She asks.

"Ye, just stubbed my toe on the damn bed." I say a bit irritated.

"Aww I hate when that happens. You need me to kiss it better?" She teases.

"Ha ha very funny, athough I could use a kiss on the cheek." I test. I see light pink form on her cheeks, got her.

"Eh why not?" She shrugs, then pecks my cheek, making me blush. She gives me a smirk and walks away. I walk out of my room and make my way to Ethan's room.

"Hey Ethan?" I open the door.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"Do you maybe have an idea what Skarlet wants for her birthday?" I ask.

"Uhm..Oh! She's been looking for a Red Hot Chili Peppers T-shirt lately."

"She likes Red Hot Chili Peppers?"

"Yeah." I smile and get my keys.

"What are you doing Jack?" Amy asks.

"I'm going out real quick. Make sure you stick to the plan." I run to my car and drive to Hot Topic.

"Hi! Do you guys have any Red Hot Chili Pepper shirts?" I ask the lady at the register.

"Uh yes, over here." She answer casually, I follow her to the back of the store.

"Any of these." She says gesturing to the different shirts.

"Thank you!" I kindly shout.

"I love your videos by the way." She smiles before walking away, I smile. I look at all the shirts and see which one would be good for Skarlet. I want to give her the best. I find a black T-shirt that says Red Hot Chili Peppers in a colorful, trippy format.

"Perfect!" I grab it and bring it to the lady to check out.

"That'll be all for ya Jack?" She asks, I got a bit scared, but remembered she watches my videos.


"So is it for you?" She asks putting the shirt in a bag.

"No, its a present for a friend."

"Oh, well I hope they like it. That'll be 20 bucks." She gives me the bag, I give her the money and say bye, then leave. Man Hot Topic is expensive. Yeah..sadly. I can't wait to see her reaction! I run to my car and get in..and bump my head.

"Why the fook do I keep hurtin myself today?" I drive back home.

When I walk inside with caution so I don't let Skarlet see the bag. I run to my room and put the shirt in a colorful bag, then put the colorful paper inside. I walk back out to the living room. I see Skarlet sitting on the couch on the phone.

"Grazie Sofia! Parliamo più tardi!" She hangs up. Translation: "Thank you Sofia! Talk to you later!"

"What was that?" I ask tilting my head a little.

"Oh sorry, I was on the phone with my best friend, shes Italian. We speak Italian sometimes for fun, that's where me and Ethan learned it." She explains.

"That's so cool! Maybe you can teach me?" I ask.

"We'll see." She smirks. I hear my phone beep, meaning I got a text, I read it.

We'll See (A Jacksepticeye X OC)Where stories live. Discover now