Need Sleep!

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Skars Pov

I'm so tired! I've been up thinking about Mark and Jacks situation, trying to find out how this could be possible, logically. The only thing that is the closest to making sense is Schizophrenia and Multiple Personality disorder, but my question is, how can they get out? It just doesn't make sense to me! I fall back on my bed after doing a bunch of research on my computer. I sigh before I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in." I say with a bit of a raspy voice, the door opens to reveal Amy.

"Hey! Ethan said he's taking you to the dealership to get a car?" She asks.

"Oh shit I forgot! I gotta get ready!" I jump up and quickly get some clothes, when I look back at Amy, she has her arms crossed and a look of suspicion.

"You seem a bit off today." She states, I start to yawn.

"Just a bit tired is all." I say while rubbing my eye.

"When did you go to bed?" All I can say about her interrogation is that she sounds like a mom. I know I'm not gonna win this argument so I'll just say it.

"I um..didn't."

"Skar, what reason did you have to stay up all night?"

"I couldn't sleep! At first I was overthinking, then when I started thinking about the whole Mark and Jack thing, I started researching." I say before gesturing for her to close the door so I can change. She walks in and closes the door behind her, I start to change my clothes.

"What were you researching?" She asks.

"I was trying to figure out how the whole Dark and Anti thing is possible, I was up all not trying to find the most logical explanation." I say as I finish getting dressed. (You can choose an outfit, this is for you after all) 

"Were you able to find anything?" She asks sitting on the bed, I sit next to her.

"There were two things that make the most sense, Schizophrenia and Multiple Personality disorder." 

"Yeah that does make a bit of sense."

"But the thing I'm struggling with the most is how they can get out."

"To be honest, I don't think that is something we can find out."

"Yeah, I'm just so worried about them." I rub my face with me hands.

"I am too Skar, but let's not focus on that. Come on, you gotta go."

"Right." We stand up and walk out to the living room. All four boys are talking on the couch, they look excited about something.

"Girls!" They shout once they see us, we jump a bit.

"What?" Amy asks.

"We had the idea of making some new collab videos, all of us!" Jack says.

"That sounds so cool!"  I say.

"We'll do it tomorrow if you guys want." Mark says, we both nod.

"You ready to go Skar?" Ethan ask while getting up from the couch.

"Yeah." I yawn.

"Man you seem really out of it today, you're yawning, your eyes are red. You okay?" He asks while examining me.

"Skarlet decided to pull an all nighter last night." Amy says as she pours tea in a cup.

"Why?" Jack asks.

"Don't worry about it." I say a bit irritated, I then get my purse and go to the door. I walk out the door with Ethan following me.

Jacks Pov

Once Skarlet leaves I go to the kitchen to talk to Amy.

"What's up with her?" I ask.

"She was worried about you guys last night, she spend most of the night overthinking. I don't know why she snapped at you guys like that though." She explains.

"Maybe it's the fact that she's tired." Mark states as he walks into the kitchen.

"When she gets back, she's gonna nap." Amy says.

"Yeah, that would be good for her." I sit on the couch, starting to drown in my thoughts and worries I feel someone sit next to me, Mark.

"You're worried about her." He claims.

"Of course I am. I'm not calm and cool like you Merk." Yikes, my Irish accent is thickening. 

"Obviously not, but you don't have to be. I'm not always like this you know. In fact, I'm terrified Jack, I don't want to lose the ones I love because of these dirtbags." He fiddles with his hands.

"Yeah, me neither."

"I assure you, we will all get through this." He puts his hand on my shoulder, I give him a small smile.

"You know you two really should get together! I can see it." Amy laughs, me and Mark growl in annoyance. 

Time Skip

"We're home!" I hear Skarlet shout, I run out of my room and hug her.

"You alright Jack?" She asks.

"Yeah, just missed ya."

"It's only been a couple of hours." I shrug, making her giggle.

"So what kind of car did ya get?" Amy asks as her and Mark walk out together.

"We were able to get a good deal on a pretty nice black jeep." Ethan says. 

"Noice!" I exclaim. After a little while of us hanging out and having dinner, I make Skarlet go to bed early, it took some convincing but I did it.

Unknown Pov

Don't worry friends, we're coming. Get ready to have some fun.

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