Drunk Confession (Levi x reader)

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Warning: language, fluff, drunk

Summary: Playing a game the impossible happens Levi gets drunk and confessions to many things including to loving (y/n). Now he's got to deal with his confession in the morning

How could this possibly happen, he tolerance was supposed to be extra fucking high, it was extra fucking high. How did this happen? It all started with a drinking game, never have I ever.

It started out fun and everyone was there the questions were silly and everyone was drunk. Hanji had suggested the game.

"Come on it will be fun it's a game," Hanji said as she held up a bottle of alcohol

" how do you play," Jean asked as he held out his glass letting Hanji poor some of the burning liquid in everyone else did the same.

"Never have I ever. This is how you play you say 'never have I ever' and continue on if someone has done it they'll drink if they haven't they don't. For example, never have I ever kissed a girl. If you've kissed a girl drink" All the boys drank.

"Oh, I get it. My turn" Sasha raised her hand "never have I ever kissed a boy" all the girls, except Christa and Sasha, drank. Levi also drank but he was so far of in the corner that no one noticed. No one but (y/n) she raised her eyebrow as Levi shrugged and brought the cup to his lips.

The game continued on the questions were silly but most of everybody was getting drunk. Mikasa was the first one passed out after her three drink Armin was still up but his words were now so slurred no one knew what he was saying Eren the soberest between three helped the other two to bed. Sasha was giggling her ass off at absolutely nothing just giggling just because Connie was a clinging drunk and held on to Sasha or Reiner. Reiner seemed to be a quiet drink only talking a little bit mostly lost in his own head Bertholdt was lucky enough to drag all three of them to bed. Ymir was an angry drunk and was dragged off to bed by Christa right after Mikasa. Jean passed out on the floor Hanji had volunteered to drag him to bed.

Now only Levi and (y/n) were left as much as the two drank they only seemed to be tipsy, Levi tipsier than (y/n).Moving the two now both sat silently in front of each other.

" never have I ever .... met my mother" (y/n) said Levi drank.

"what happen?"

"died during birth lived with my old man and my aunt. Turns out he was screwing her during my moms' pregnancy"

"Never have I ever meet my father" (y/n) drank "he was one of my mom 'Clients' never meet him don't even know who he is" Truth be told Levi did actually look and ask a question when he was younger but after a while, he gave up. He was a prostitutes baby he had no father.

"Never have I ever had planned to be in the survey crop" neither drank

'Erwin found me in the underground brought me. I became a soldier against my will."

"My father and aunt were both soldiers they forced me to join then died by the time I graduated." It was true both her father and her aunt were high ranking soldiers in the military she was supposed to be just like them and join the military branch and she was going to until Trost fell. That day she witnessed her cowardly father run away from the battle and her aunt beg forgiven in the jaws of a titan (Y/N) felt no emotions.

"Never have I ever ... killed anybody" neither of them drank

"I use to be a thug in the underground I killed a few people. I almost killed Erwin." He was a thug he ran the underground, of course, a few bodies dropped dead around him. Thought he did value human life he had no problem taking it.

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