Red paint and stitches ( Juuzou suzuya x reader)

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(Y/n) sighed as she slowly wake up the breeze blowing through her curtains. She smiled she was hundred percent sure she closed her window last night and there's only one reason it would ne open now.

"Juuzou" she whispered " I gave you a house key for s reason" she felt his arms come around and pull her into his chest.

"It was to far I wanted you now" he whispered squeezing her tight. She opened her eyes to look it at him his beautiful red eyes, soft white hair, gorgeously red stitches. And it was all hers.

"aren't you suppose to be at work saving everyone from ghouls"

"I have the day off " he said snuggling into her neck " so I'm going to sped it with you"

"Oh really and what are we going to spend the day doing"

"laying in bed, sleeping, cuddling, that thing you taught me what's it called -"

"Can I paint you?" (y/n) suddenly asked interrupting Juuzou. (Y/n) was a painter though her main job was a waitress she said her artwork on the sie. She had painted many things but in the 8 months they've been together she had never painted Juuzou a few sketched here and there in secret but no painting like she wanted nothing serious. " You're beautiful and I wanted catch your beautiful, please?" she pouted as she looked at him.

"Only if I can stitches you afterwards" she smiled.

(Y/n) groaned as she rolled out of bed. Juuzou has always been trying to stitch her up for 3 months now but (y/n) always said no. She didn't not like stitches she thought Juuzou' s were gorgeous she just couldn't handle getting stitches. She hand sensitive skin and was terrified of needles like Juuzou who couldn't feel any pain and could smile while piercing himself with a needle. It was amazing how such two opposites attracted.

"Fine" (y/n) said getting out of bed.

"Yay, yay, yay" Juuzou cheered jumping on her bed. She was happy to see him happy.


For the best of three hours Juuzou had been still in the position (Y/n) put him in. Of course there were breaks in between and the TV was on so her wouldn't get bored and fidget. (Y/n) was amazed she never thought he's be so still for this long. " You look beautiful" she said she and positioned him so he was facing her his whited button up was open to his black tank top his neck stitches very visible.

Juuzou was paying attention to the color paints she was using white, black, and red. He wondered what she was doing but didn't question her/ Juuzou jumped up when she finally put her paint brush down.

"Let me see, let me see, let me see" he was so excited. When he saw the picture he gasped he didn't say anything just looked at the picture.

 When he saw the picture he gasped he didn't say anything just looked at the picture

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"My eyes are so red"

"Do you not like it?"

"My eyes are so real their beautiful, it's beautiful... thank you"

"Um... I just painted you how I saw you... you're beautiful. Stitches and all"

Juuzou gives her a kiss " speaking of stitches",


(Y/n) watched as Juuzou pulls out his kit. In the kit was different colored strings sewing needles, small alcohol pads, and Band-Aids, and pain killers. It shocked her how organized he was going about this setting everything out neatly.

" Wow you're taking this really seriously" she laughed nervously

"of course, I don't want this to hurt more than it has too" he said looking at her earnestly he didn't want her to hurt. Giving her two pain killers (Y/n) decides she'll get the stitches on her forearm but she didn't know what he was going to stitch on her.

"Here" Juuzou hands her a glass of water and two pain pills

"Is it going to hurt that bad?"

"Honestly... I don't know. I didn't feel it... I don't feel most things".

It was true Juuzou didn't much pain which was completely opposite to (Y/n) who was over sensitive to... everything. But they worked through it and they were good together even though they were opposite.

"ready?" he asked.

She took a deep breath " Okay... go" with her right arm on the table facing Juuzou. She closed her eyes and bite her lip as the needle went through her skin. At first be went slow but after a minute she told him to go faster and he did. She leaned forward on to his shoulder as he worked.

"Done" Juuzou said finally putting the needle down he wiped her tears away tears she didn't know she was shedding " It's done ... do you want to see it?" she nodded a bit. Looking down she gasped it was his initials in a heart " I love it, it's beautiful,,, thank you" and she gave him a kiss.

"This is the best day off ever"

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