Little Best Friend ( Bucky Barnes x teen! reader)

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warning: fluff, language, bullying, low self-esteem, mention of injuries

Summary: One day on a morning run Bucky notices reader, a 14-year-old, in the park and takes an interest in her.

Bucky Barnes, The Winter Soldier, had been living with the Avengers for 6 months now and he still had yet to open up to anyone, but still, even that was very limited. Still, he fell into a routine with them and joined them for things like training, meal time, family night, and movie night. He usually had a morning run with Sam and/or Steve but they both were on a mission for the next 5 days leaving Bucky to run through the park alone but he didn't mind it gave him time to think alone, that is he wasn't interrupted.

After running around the park a couple of times Bucky stopped under a tree and took a seat to catch his breath. So deep in thought he failed to noticed the little girl sleeping in the tree above until a few droplets hit his forehead. Snapping out of his thoughts he wiped what he thought was water off his forehead but jumped up when he found out it was blood. Looking up in the tree he found little old (y/n) sleeping up in a tree "Hey" Bucky called out startling and causing her to fall out of the tree " sorry" Bucky apologizes and help the young lady up "It's okay I'm the idiot that decided it would be best to sleep in a tree" she said dismissing Bucky's apology "I couldn't help but notice you're bleeding"

"How'd you know" the girl said putting her right arm behind her Bucky guessed that was the one that was injured

"well when you bleed on someone they noticed" Bucky said waving the hand which had blood on it in her face " Name Bucky, what's yours" he said pulling a Band-Aid out of his wallet and taking her arm

"Names (y/n)" she let him take her arm it wasn't much nothing but a scratch "do you always carry Band-Aids?"

"Yeah actually, Never know when I'm going to fall or someone, like yourself, is going to get hurt." Bucky said placing a Band-Aid on her wound "how old are you"

"it's rude to ask a woman her age" They both took a seat under the tree

"you don't look anywhere near a woman maybe in a few more years but right now you look like a girl," Bucky said


"well, 15-year-old (y/n) what happen, how did you get hurt"


"Oh, is that how you got those bruises on your cheek and your wrist too" he smirked

"yeah gravity is a bitch especially when you fight back" Bucky chuckled at this he knew gravity was a bitch but not this much of a bitch. " It was nice talking to you Buck but I have to go pretend to do some homework bye" (y/n) said "oh PS cool arm"

After that day Bucky looked for her every day on his run, disappearing on Sam and Steve, and if he found her they'd sit and talk until she had to go or until Steve or Sam finally noticed him missing. And if he didn't find her he just wastes an hour running around the park. Bucky Liked hanging out with this young girl she never judged him nor forced him to talk and she always made him laugh or smile, she all out just made his day.

The team started to notice this strange change in behavior in Bucky and at first, they didn't know what was going on until one day Natasha pointed out the faint smell of perfume on him thus the teasing began. Bucky didn't tell the team who she was and he appreciated that no one looked for her but they didn't tease.

Bucky enter the kitchen after his morning run and rolled his eyes " And where had you been" Steve asked, he and Sam had returned 30 minutes before him, everyone else was in the kitchen as well eating breakfast " probably with his new secret girlfriend" Sam teased

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